Saturday, November 9, 2013

Care and Feeding for ObamaCare (Revisited)


"Houston, we have a big a** problem!"

This is an updated post in early May. When I read it, I was amazed on how accurate it was even back then. Nothing has changed, except knowledge of the ACA has shown it to be worse than feared. It is becoming a millstone around the neck of not only the President, but also many Democrats who are running for re-election in 2014. One of the things I pointed out last May has turned out to be true in spades - we have rank armatures setting this thing up. They did a half a** job and threw a "hot mess" over the wall, hoping that it would "fix itself" before hitting the ground. As we have seen since October 1st, quite the opposite has taken place.

May 6, 2013

One of the lessons I learned in business (painfully, I might add), is that you don't take something and "throw is over the wall" assuming someone on the other side will catch it and make it work. Every project, every initiative, every product, takes care and feeding. The bigger the effort, the more care and feeding required. The biggest I have seen in my lifetime is Obama care - and it is now a hot mess.
It seems like the cat is now out of the bag. Some of the President's supporters of this health care do-over are now sounding the same alarm the Republicans have for years now. The term "train wreck" has now become common vernacular. Nobody, with the exception of Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, is watching the store.

In fact, during testimony on the Hill last week, our HHS Secretary pulled an old Obama trick out of the hat - she blamed the Republicans for the failure of the insurance exchanges the states were to set up. Carl Rove responded to this unfounded attack with the following op-ed from the WSJ:

“Nice try, but GOP governors aren’t the problem. Team Obama’s tendency to blame someone else for its shortcomings is tiresome. The Affordable Care Act requires HHS to operate exchanges in states that won’t operate their own. Since the act became law in March 2010, it has been abundantly clear that the agency would have to deploy a model exchange."

Also last week, it was found out in a Pew poll that 42% of all Americans know nothing of Obama care. To make matters worse, they don't even know it is the law of the land and how it will affect them.

Since passage, we have found out the cost model was all wrong. Remember the promise? It was going to "bend the cost curve". Promise kept - only it bent the cost curve the wrong way. It will add trillions to our debt. The added costs are going to be back breaking on our struggling economy. We will have no choice but to ration care. In a few years, we will be in the same boat that the UK is.

With a bill that is over 2,500 pages, ancillary regulations which are 15,000 pages and counting, absolutely nobody understands this thing. It is Frankenstein's Monster, and the President is playing the part of Dr. Frankenstein.

We are in deep "do-do" on this one, and it will only get worse once we get into 2014. History will record this "Affordable Care Act" as not only the destruction of our health care system, but also a text book example on how not to do something big.

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