Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Secluded thoughts from Gitche Gumee...


"Even in retirement, every once in a while it is good to get away, and check your cares at the front door..."

Our time of late fall/early winter retreat is coming in an end. It has been a good few days with a chance to talk, reflect, and write. Because the weather on the North Shore is about as fickle as a teenager going through adolescence, we did not do as much exploring as we have in years past. Besides, it is deer hunting season and even though I trust most people, I don't trust that everyone is as careful or good of a shot as I am.

On our first day here, as we were sitting and watching this magnificent lake pound the shoreline. My wife asked me what it is about watching water that relaxes. I told her I heard a long time ago it was the natural rhythm - and humans are attracted to it. As much as oceans, lakes and rivers look chaotic at times, there is still a natural rhythm. Most surfers will tell you about the "sets". Every seventh wave in a set is the best; every seventh set is the best set; the seventh wave of the seventh set is the one to look forward to.

It is that lure of this rhythmatic relaxation that draws us back to the lake the Indians once called Gitche Gumee ("big water"). Regardless of the season, we are drawn here like moths to a flame. Is it cold up on the North Shore in the wintertime? Yes, sometimes brutally so. However, there is also a peace and tranquility with seeing how nature has put much of the flora and fauna to bed for a season. The snow often times looks nothing less than pristine - inviting those who snow shoe, cross country or downhill ski to join in. Or, for those who just like to build a fire and curl up with a good book, there is not a finer place to do it.

Our pastor comes up to Lake Superior to reflect and to write. He has been inspired for sermon series up here, he has written parts of his books up here. However, more than anything else, when he comes up here, he reconnects with God. Yes, the maker of all things great and small did some of His finest work on this lake, on this shore. Most every morning, we are treated to a sunrise that people who develop CGI in Hollywood, would love to duplicate. However, they never will. It was created for us to watch and enjoy, free of charge. It just does not get any better than a sunrise on Lake Superior.

Regardless of the season, anytime we spend up here is more for introspection and reflection than worldly thoughts. At home, reading the paper, watching the news, surfing the internet - it is very easy to get caught up in the world. And by the way, for most who pay attention already know this - the world is a mess and seems to be getting messier all the time. Worldly thoughts will be with me once again as soon as I get settled back into the day to day routine. There will be things to do, stuff to do, places to go and yes, more worries about the barrage of "worldly things".

But for our few remaining hours here, I will enjoy the rhythm of the lake; one more sunrise which has been painted by God Himself. I will enjoy the slumber of the North country as it now relaxes after showing its magnificent greenery since May. Most of all, I will enjoy the time away I can spend with my wife, my best friend. It is a time to talk and share, away from the chaos and confusion that stalk most of our lives. It is a time to think and share, listening only to each other, and the natural rhythm of this, the greatest of all lakes.

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