Friday, November 22, 2013

Our Cold War just become Hottter


Stupid is as Stupid Does
  Forrest Gump

What in the world was he thinking? Does he not know how bad things are right now, and what a move like this will do? I am surprised that the President did not take Dingy Harry over his knee and spank him. Instead, he encouraged him to do this. Any chance, any small, sliver of a chance of getting ANYTHING done this second term, just flew out the window.

Many citizens will not stand for this. I will not. Advise and Consent is a critical part of our governance. To take that away from the Senate, will allow a simple majority of Left leaning Senators to put all kinds of fruitcakes in high judicial posts like the DC Court of Appeals. Our Judiciary will become a de facto extension of the Senate. This is NEVER what our framers had in mind. Advise and Consent was a critical part of ensuring our system of Government would work fairly.

Dingy Harry had threatened to do this before. He has backed down when Mitch would give him some concessions. This time he did not. This is not a shot across the bow. This is war - a direct hit. Between the Presidents "extra Constitutional actions" and the Senate's "nuclear option", there is no hope for marriage counseling. The Rubicon has been crossed.

Many have wondered why Reid would do this. Some speculate due to Obamacare (as well as a host of other issues), the Senate will probably change hands in the 2014 election. That means Obama needs to "make hay when the sun shines". In other words, if he wants to "pack" the DC Court of Appeals, he needs to get going. As Judicial watchers know, the DC Court of Appeals is right behind the Supreme Court in importance to Congressional challenges. Pack it with a bunch of "Lefties", and it just becomes a wing of the Democratic Party. Advise and Consent was suppose to protect us from that.

Every news station I watched (yes, even the vile MSNBC) played clips of then Senators Biden, Obama and Reid warning of the nuclear option when Bush was President. It was almost funny to watch. The word hypocrite does not quite do this justice. Somebody told Reid on the Senate Floor that "I guess where you stand on this issue depends on where you sit". Well Mr. President, your lackey in the Senate has just opened Pandora's Box. Good luck to you in the rest of your term. Good luck in getting help from the minority in fixing your failed ACA. Finally, Mr. President, good luck in the history books. They are about to be most unkind to what you have done , and how you have divided our country.

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