Monday, November 25, 2013

He Rides Again!


 "Hi-Yo, Silver! Away!"
Lone Ranger
We sure heard quite a bit about "cowboy diplomacy" when both Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush were in the White House. Since they both were from western states, and even worse than that, Republicans, many on the Left worried they would go off on their own and do things without prior consultation. However, with both these fine men, that turned out to be nothing but urban legend. Today, we have someone in the White House who is a true Lone Ranger.
What happened this weekend was yet another example of the Lone Ranger acting alone on something of the highest importance. Our closest allies in the Middle East were once again shocked and disappointed. What was it? This "deal" with Iran on their nuclear program. It involved a special "presser" on Saturday night to spread the "good news" to the Proletariat back home.
As they say, the devil is in the details. So, what is this deal? What do we get out of it? What does Israel get out of it? After it was signed, the streets of Tehran were full of smiling faces and people "high fiving" each other. In Tel Aviv on the other hand, people were hurt and furious. Iran was going to get sanctions lifted and may still proceed with nuclear enrichment. Huh? What kind of deal is that for us? Well, even though the Administration was caught in another lie, Iran will continue to enrich. It will just ratchet back to increase what is known as  "dash time". "Dash time" is the time between having weapon grade uranium and then being able to put it into bomb. In the agreement, we picked up six to eight weeks of "dash time." That is it - not much more for Israel, the Saudis or the US of A.

Just like with the Syria mess earlier in the year, just like with the ACA website, this Administration remains the most insular in history. It is the arrogance of power on parade. Our friends no longer trust us, and our enemies laugh at us. We have set the table for Israel, who at one time was our best friend in the region, to take some drastic measures when the six month term of this agreement is up. If Iran reneges on this deal (and many experts outside the Administration believe they will), Israel will be "green lighted" to go clean up the neighborhood.

So as the Lone Ranger and his loyal steed ride off into the sunset, waiting to once again practice insularity, we are left with no champagne to drink as there is nothing to celebrate. Just another mess, to be added on to the pile of messes we have been accumulating for the past five years.

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