Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Beginning...


"Be kind - it is only a baby..."

As much as I disdain New Year's resolutions, I do enjoy the newness of the new year. This yet to be touched year is a clean canvas, a blank slate. I think back on the successes and failures I, as well as our society, have had in 2013. I then wonder about 2014. Can we build on our successes? Can we learn from our failures? Can we avoid the pitfalls we had in 2013 while going forward? The path forward is ours to make. The direction is ours to determine.

One of the things that President Reagan always believed in was being able to disagree without being disagreeable. Somewhere on the path leading 2014, we seemed to have lost that. Every person, regardless of political, religious or ethnic persuasion, has a seat at the table. Has a voice. I love the fact we live in a pluralistic society where we have a tapestry of views. I believe that living in a monolithic society would quickly wear thin. My hope is in 2014, we can once again return to the days of spirited debate rather than what often appears to be a visceral dislike for each other.

One of our former pastors would often talk about the problem of being disconnected. Each year is seems we become more disconnected from each other. Family, friends and society in general has come more autonomous than corporal. We as humans, are relational beings. We do better when we are connected - connected to each other. We need to get the family unit stronger as well as more connected. We need to develop as true friends to each other, rather than just acquaintances. We need to always remember our country was founded on E pluribus Unum (out of many, one).

The connection between head and heart needs to be strengthened. For many, myself included, passage of time causes a deterioration in the link which connects the head to the heart. It leads to a coldness, sometimes a callousness, towards our brothers and sisters who need our help the most. I know from my experience, this is much harder to do than to talk about. I struggle with this. Not a little, but a lot. This year I am going to really try to step up my game. Give more, expect less. Love more, judge less.

It has been said the toughest words in the English language are "I am sorry" and "I forgive you." Many times, they are very hard to say. However, the power in those words is nothing short than extraordinary. Our hearts do poorly living in hate. They start to wither. It has been said hate is the battery acid of the heart and soul. It is a reverse emotion. It affects the hater more than the hated. The world will turn much smoother with less hate and more love. Love bathed in forgiveness.

Again I say to all, have a happy, safe and prosperous New Year. Once again, it is a new beginning. In 364 days, may we all look back with few regrets, and mostly satisfaction. Satisfaction on how we lived our lives during this brand new year.

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