Saturday, January 18, 2014

Harvey the Rabbit


Hy·poc·ri·sy - the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense

Please excuse me while I try and stop laughing. It seems as if our purveyor of smut and violence, our "King of Hollywood", has found new PC religion and is going to atone for his many moviemaking sins. How is he going to do that? Harvey Weinstein told Howard Stern on his radio show that he is going to make a movie which exposes the National Rifle Association for who they are! You know who I am talking about - those law abiding citizens who have NOTHING to do with the continual gun violence in this country. However, they are always the ones to get blamed by the Hollywood Left.

In the past, there are very few taboo subjects that Mr. Weinstein has found off limits. Violence is only one of them. The other day I was in a meeting with some like minded folks, talking about a myriad of topics. The subject of Hollywood came up. One person said he had not seen a movie for over twenty years as (in his opinion), Hollywood was now run by corrupt Communists. I am thinking he might have been right.

The first question I have for Mr. Weinstein is this - If you truly want to get right with the Lord, and atone for all the filth and smut your movies have laid on this country, how about a movie demonstrating good Christian values? How about family values? How about a movie which does not take the Lord's name in vain over and over and over again? How about no smoking scenes? No sex scenes? No perverted sexuality?

Truthfully Mr. Weinstein, it is not the NRA who is ruining this country. It is people in Hollywood making garbage movies. All the NRA is trying to do is protect our Second Amendment. If you study your history, you will know how important this is. For example, before the holocaust took place in Europe, it was important for the government to get guns away from the Jewish people. As they say, the rest is history. The NRA has learned from mistakes in world history and is trying to keep this country from repeating any of them.

So Mr. Weinstein, understand this. Many of us on the Right believe in the power of forgiveness and redemption. We don't hate you - we want to forgive you. However, you must first turn from your past ways and change the movies you make. You have the experience and skills to really make some good and worthwhile movies. Movies which will show America at her best, not her worst. Making a movie which will try to destroy the NRA is only going to get you in deeper - much, much deeper.

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