Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tales from the land of "Not Me!"


"It is not my fault, it is his, and hers, and theirs, and ..."

This morning on the news, there was a story about Muhammad Kasim Reed, the current Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia, and long time supporter of our President, Barack Hussein Obama. It seems the Mayor has learned well from emulating our national leader. When asked what caused the world's biggest weather related traffic jam which yesterday occurred in Atlanta, he gave this for an answer - the weather guessers did it. It was not that his highway department did not pre-treat the road for the incoming snow and ice - no, it was the fault of the National Weather Service. I am surprised he did not also blame God while he was at it.

By the same token, the SOTU address was an excellent chance for POTUS to "man up", take some responsibility. I believe a dose of truthfulness sprinkled with some genuine contrite statements would have done wonders to melt that iceberg which sits over our capital. However, that did not happen. Mistakes occur everywhere and to everyone. They are especially common when you are untrained or untested for a job. The economy, your economy Mr. President, is a mess. Admit it. Ask for help. Listen, for a change.

Instead, we are getting more of the same. "Small Ball" and the blame game. Blame the loyal opposition. No vision, no leadership, just blame. Instead of the Commander in Chief, he has devolved into the King of "not me". When I was in the Navy, I learned early on that mistakes would happen. When you screwed up, you would "pop tall" to attention and say "no excuse Sir!" Accountability. The buck would stop right there.

How in the world do we expect our kids to take responsibility when they see how our elected officials duck responsibility? It is a sad state of affairs when everyone and everything is to blame except ourselves. Soon, we will be blaming our Founding Fathers more making this country a representative democracy rather than a monarchy. Heck, the way we are going, we will end up with an imperial presidency, which not far from a monarchy.

So as I write this, it is snowing outside. We might get 4 inches or so. I am not going to take care of it. I want the city to clear my driveway. After all, this is not my fault nor my responsibility. I think I am learning to get the hang of this.

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