Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Recycle this!


"It is suppose to be easy peasy - but for many it is way too hard...."

Interesting story yesterday in the hometown newspaper (or as Common Man calls it - "fish wrap"). Our Hennepin County recycling program, which has been going on for just under forever, is less than 50% successful. It seems the county is having a bear of a time with all the plastic (which should be recycled), showing up at the Target Field garbage burner.
Now I will admit to this - my wife and I do recycle. At one time it was a bit of a hassle when we had to sort, but with the advent of the single use containers, it is as easy as falling off a log. What I find fascinating about this article is this - Hennepin County is deep blue politically. Lots and lots of "greenies" living there. And to only have a 50% recycle rate? What the what?

Because half of the folks in Hennepin County are too lazy to recycle, the state is now considering a 10 cent deposit on all recyclable bottles sold. When I would travel to the East Coast they had this deposit. Most people I knew hated it. So the rest of us will now be punished. The ones who do recycle will have to go through the aggravation and expense of yet another "tax" when we buy goods.

The question I have had ever since our government mandated we get rid of our clean light bulbs and replace them with the toxic pig tails, is this - how many people are really going to recycle them? Right now you have to take them into a store which sells them (like Home Depot), and they will accept them for recycle. Most people don't want to bother, so they toss them in the garbage.

Here is the rub. The pigtails contain small amounts of mercury, which is a neurotoxin. Most local governments have not come up with effective ways for us to recycle them. Are we okay with putting more mercury in our landfills? I thought the "greenies" were all over the mercury issue by trying to close down our coal plants. I guess this is selective outrage, similar to the deafening silence we hear when wind turbines massacre our birds of prey and bats.

We will continue to recycle regardless of what the powers that say or decide. I think it makes sense. I DON'T think pigtails make sense. Never have, never will. Any mandate from the government about what type of light bulb I can use will be met with the same response - RECYCLE THIS PAL!


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