Monday, September 8, 2014

Is the enemy at the gate?


"I fear we might have let our PC become our undoing..."

It seems I cannot leave for two weeks without everything going to hell in a hand basket. However, living in our new world of Cloward and Piven, I should not be too shocked. That being said, with all that happened domestically and internationally, the thing that stopped me in my tracks was the second locally grown terrorist who was killed fighting for ISIS.

While on the ship, I got up early to watch Fox News (yes, they did have Fox onboard!) My wife was still asleep and when the news came on, I almost fell out of my chair! A Fox News reporter was standing in front of my wife's high school in New Hope. This little known, nondescript high school is now famous (or infamous) for having two local terrorists who fought and died for ISIS attend there.

As usual, I think the onion needs to be peeled back on this one. How does that happen? Why here? It seems that terrorists have about 100 people fighting for them that hold United States passports. In Europe it is worse - the number might be closer to 500. If we can forget "PC" for a minute and focus on facts, there are some mosques in both the United States and Europe that are used not only for worship, but also recruiting. They are a fertile ground for young men who have become disillusioned with Western culture, politics and lifestyle.

I believe the biggest fear the government has right now (and is not disclosing to us) is the enemy is at the gate. Not only at the gate, but maybe inside the perimeter. Seasoned, locally grown terrorists, holding United States passports, may have returned home. And for what purpose? My belief is they have been trained for soft targets. I believe that both Al Qaeda and ISIS would like to follow up the 9/11 event with something even more spectacular. However, I also believe some can cause extreme mayhem doing something smaller against soft targets.

As we were coming in for a landing yesterday, I was thinking about how easy it would be for a terrorist to smuggle in a Stinger type missile across our very porous and under patrolled southern border. A missile with a range of a few thousand feet could be fired from many locations close to the airport. The results of such an attack would be catastrophic to say the least.

What about an attack on the MOA when it is full of people? Using automatic weapons and RPGs, dozens, maybe hundreds of innocents could be killed or wounded. All it would take is a committed terrorist(s), a few weapons, no fear of death, and a hateful heart. Sporting venues, shopping areas, and places of worship could all be on their radar.

We all know about the "black helicopters" buzzing around the Twin Cities recently. Very secret, very clandestine. Not even the Minneapolis Council knew anything about them. Why were they here? Training for something urban that could be in the planning? I have no idea, but it sure makes my spider senses tingle.

It is time to wake up folks. With some people, certain radical religions are more important that country or assimilation. With many it is not, but with some it is. The Lone Wolf might be roaming our streets and ready to hunt. The enemy might be at or inside the gate. We might be in much more trouble than we can imagine. We might not be at war with them, but they sure are with us.  

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