Thursday, January 1, 2015

No regrets...


"What a year! Could next year be just as special? Yes, if we let it be..."

Another year completed. Another journey. As I look back on 2014, it was a year of loss as well as blessings. It was a time of saying goodbye to some precious loved ones. It was a time of knowing new life would be joining our family shortly after the New Year starts.

It was yet another year when the world seemed to spin in fast forward, sometimes out of control. As with years before, events of the world, events of the nation, or even local events, would pop up on a daily or weekly basis and overwhelm our senses. There was simply no time to understand them. Once you thought you might then BAM, another important event would pop up somewhere else.

That being said, I have no regrets in my journey through 2014. Did I make mistakes? A ton of them. But long ago I gave up on regretting my mistakes. As long as my mistakes did not damage others nor permanently harm my future, mistakes made are an excellent way to learn. To say you regret mistakes is to say you regret an important part of life.

I will take the liberty of speaking for my wife as well as myself. Learn we did this past year! Neither of our daughters allow us to rest in our comfort zones very long. Even though they may or not know this, they both challenge us to do better, to act better, to love better, and try more. By doing so we have met some wonderful people we otherwise might not have. We have learned new ways to serve we never had imagined.

So what is new for us in the New Year? Only two things I hope. More of the same from last year and to experience things yet untried. To love deeper, to serve more, to know better. To see with my heart as well as my eyes. To listen with my heart as well as my ears.

A few years ago on a New Years Eve, I jotted down a few simple things to help me on my quest to live a better and more purposeful life:

    • Free my mind from worry.
    • Free my heart from hatred.            
    • Live more simply.
    • Give more.
    • Expect less.

      So what are my resolutions for the New Year? Only one. The same one I have had the past few years. No regrets. To listen to my heart, then to follow to my heart, and most of all, to love with my heart. By doing so at the end of the day, at the end of the year, I should end up accomplishing my one single goal. No regrets. Happy New Year everyone!


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