Thursday, January 8, 2015

Once again, shot with own gun...


"Sometimes people, organizations, or even religions can be their own worst enemy..."

Yesterday, the world was once again exposed to the worst of the worst. This time in Paris. The crime committed which drove these terrorists to execute 12 innocent people? Free speech. Crude and humorless cartoons. But free speech never the less. And to top things off after committing murder and carnage in the newspaper office, they executed a cop. He was lying wounded on the sidewalk. He begged for his life, with his arm raised. He was then shot in the head. Killed in cold blood. No mercy. No remorse.

The evidence is starting to stack up. Patience worldwide, is wearing thin. We have seen carnage beyond belief in Northern Africa, Iraq and Syria, and now in Europe. Innocent people. Some whose crime was no worse than belonging to a different faith. Others who belong to the same faith and did something "unacceptable" to the terrorists. Small children beheaded. Babies stomped to death. People of all ages shot to death and then thrown in mass graves. Some even buried alive.

So what is driving this? Is it truly the start of the next Caliphate? Is it a religious war? Is it East against the West? What is it? How does the world negotiate peace with people who only want us dead? Our way of life dead. Our faith dead. How do we beg for mercy to those who show none? Ask for forgiveness to those who don't forgive. Ask for love to people who have long since forgotten what love is.

The human condition should be one of survival, community and love. For most it is. Most people want to live. They don't cherish death. They don't want to be martyred. People want to go to work, earn a living, and then come home to their families. Many today want to see their children educated, grow up, get married, and then maybe have children of their own. For some reason, this type of lifestyle is so heinous to some zealots, they will kill and destroy everything about it. Absolutely, and totally.

I would like to say I have a solution to what is happening today. I do not. A person much to the right of my views said, "We should just kill them all, and let God sort them out." I don't subscribe to that way of thinking. Although I will say this - the opinion of the civilized world is starting to turn against this major religion. Even though the zealots committing these crimes might be a very small percentage, this entire religion is becoming tainted from this senseless violence.

As people of faith, we can only pray. Pray for peace and healing. We can track down and catch the ones who are guilty, and then show them justice. The ones who are not guilty, we should continue to love and show compassion and mercy. At the end of the day, that always wins over hate and evil.

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