Monday, January 26, 2015

The Bebe Factor


"So you want a leader? This man, Bebe Netanyahu, is a leader and then some!"

The chattering class in Washington really has their undies in a bundle this morning. The unthinkable has happened. This no-good, right wing zealot from Ohio (that be the Speaker of the House), invited the Prime Minister of Israel to address a joint session of Congress. Without informing (or asking permission of) the President! What was he thinking? Of all the dastardly things to do!

First off, a bit of disclosure. I like Benjamin (Bebe) Netanyahu. Not a little bit - a whole lot. I respect him, I respect his service to the State of Israel. He is a hero and a leader. While our President was in college smoking some weed and community organizing, Bebe was in the military and on the front lines. The country of Israel is under threat 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Not from across an ocean or two, but from right next door. The man knows his business.

The Speaker and the new Senate Leader were on one of the Sunday talk shows. When the Speaker was asked why he did it, why he would skirt protocol, the Speaker was very clear with his answer. The Speaker responded (and I will paraphrase a bit), "Our President is trying to wish away the War on Terror. That will not work. We need to know the true status of the threat as well as what is happening with Iran. We feel we will get the true story from the Prime Minister of Israel." BINGO! And that is the truth! Bebe, as well as most Israelis do not live in "la-la" land. They live in much too (as Rush calls it) "realville".

I also think our President still has his nose out of joint from when the Prime Minister "schooled" him on the Middle East. How dare he! Our President's thin skin did not handle that well. I would pay a lot of money to have a one on one session with Bebe Netanyahu. It would not only be a high honor, but I would also come away a lot smarter.

My advice going forward is simply this. Our President should call up the Prime Minister and invite him over while he is in town. Have a nice dinner and do some fence mending. Then ask the Speaker if he could also attend the March session. It would do him a world of good to find out the real truth of the threat. It would also do our country a world of good.

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