Sunday, July 19, 2015

Big flag, little people


"Our great flag has lived through much and survived. However, I don't know if it can survive the benign neglect it gets from some of its citizenry..."

Every now and again something happens which make me SMH (shake my head). What is happening in Edina right now is a good example. For those who do not know, a very patriotic woman who lives in an Edina townhouse association, who has two sons serving in the military, who loves to fly our flag, is.....told to take the flag down. It is against the "rules".

As she was contesting that order from her homeowners association, somebody came in the dark of night and shredded our flag. The flag so many in this country have fought and died for. The flag that freedom loving people WORLD WIDE look to as beacon of hope. And why would someone do that to our flag? Sadly, there are more and more America haters and freedom haters who now live in our country. And even more sadly, some are home grown.

There are people from countries all over the world who wait for years to immigrate here and become citizens. Yes, legal immigration. Just like many of us had grandparents or great-grandparents that did the same. And why do they want to come here? Why not China? Why not India? Why not Russia? We all know the answer. Our freedoms. Our liberties. Our American Exceptionalism. And what is the icon which expresses those virtues the best? Our flag. The stars and bars.

People who say they are "offended" by seeing the flag flying anywhere in this country need to do something quickly. First, they can get educated on the history of our country as well as our flag. By doing so, they will learn it is not just a piece of cloth with pretty colors on it. After becoming educated on our history, if some still find our flag offensive, let me help show you the door. Leave. To use an old adage, "if you don't like it here, get the "bleep" out!"

It is time folks. No it is way past the time to take our country back from the nut balls. From the haters. From secular progressives whose philosophy borders on anarchy, Socialism or Communism. From those who want to tort our Constitution into Sharia Law. From Woodrow Wilson isolationists who are content to sit in lawn chairs and watch the world burn. No, it is time to reclaim what our flag is all about. Freedom. Liberty. Values. Prosperity. And hope. Our flag has always given hope to the hopeless.

So whomever you are in Edina that desecrated our flag, our flag which so many have died for, our flag which so many of us love, consider the choice put in front of you. Learn our history, which generally leads to love of this great country. Or leave, and leave now. To quote another old saying, "America - love it or leave it..."

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