Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Farewell to bad garbage...


"Me thinks the first nails are now in the coffin of this POS organization..."

Shhhh. Can you hear it? It is getting louder all the time. It is the sound of the door slamming on the very vile and corrupt Planned Parenthood.

The evidence is starting to mount. This is an organization comprised of not medical care givers, but life takers. And not only do they steal life from the most precious, the most vulnerable, they do it in the most barbaric way.

On the internet today is an excerpt from Brett Hume on the news last night. He said if there is one good thing that comes from the recent news of the infanticide (my words, not his) which takes place each and every day at Planned Parenthood, it is this. The curtain has been pulled back. These procedures are not antiseptic. (Now my words), The man behind the curtain is not some benevolent magician like the Wizard of Oz. No, the man (or woman) behind the curtain is a butcher. A murderer. A taker of life, of the most vulnerable.

Since Roe v. Wade, we have killed over 55,000,000 innocent babies. Yes babies. And please let that huge number sink in for a minute. Some of my friends on the left who have been misguided by the abortion merchants of death, let me enlighten you. These "lumps of flesh" have heartbeats and developing brains. They have fingerprints. They are developing just the way that God himself intended they develop.

Then while the mother who is about to give birth to this wonderful creation is sedated, a doctor will reach in with a forceps and crush this developing brain of this young human.

Just recently we are found out the brain is crushed in such an manner to ensure the surviving organs are "less crunchy" for resale. Yes resale. Selling body parts just like in WWII death camps. But who cares? According to people like Sandra what is her name, they are just tissue like tumors.

I really never thought Planned Parenthood would be gone in my lifetime. I now think I was mistaken. Roe v. Wade was a huge mistake - and I think more and more people are coming to realize that. They are killers. They are butchers. They are evil.

When Planned Parenthood dies under its own weight, it will be from lack of any type of financial support. When that happens, I will just say this - goodbye to bad garbage. You suck Planned Parenthood, you really do. You always have. Since Margaret  Sanger wanted to exterminate all the black babies as being inferior, your organization has been vile. History might remember you, but I will not. I choose to forget you.


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