Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hey - keep the change....


"This is my change - I will keep it thank you. The only change I want is in the Governor's mansion in St. Paul, and the White House in WDC..."

It is always fun when you go out for a nice meal, have a great server, and when the bill comes, give a nice tip. Most of us say "the rest is yours", or the old stand by, "keep the change". This is something we do voluntarily. And it is not something we do every time we go shopping. Could you imagine going into Target or Home Depot, buying something for $15, handing the clerk a $20 dollar bill, and then saying, "keep the change?" I dare say that nobody would do that.

Could someone please explain that simple truism to our Governor? He seems to have become even more confused in his second term. Let me help a bit. We are supposed to be taxed to meet a certain agreed to budget. No more, no less. Since we are a very high taxed state, should we collect too much, that excess money needs to be returned to the over-stressed taxpayers who sent it in. For some reason, our Governor feels like one of the "babes in toy land". He thinks this money belongs to him. Where in the world would be come up with such a wacky idea? Easy - if comes from being a trust fund baby all his life.

He is already starting to set the table for the next legislative session. "There will be no tax relief unless I get monies set aside for (my newest pet rock) Pre-K!" Now most of us who have an IQ above 50 and see through this canard like a fresh pane of glass. It is a payback to his union goons. The teacher's union specifically. Deep down he does not give a tinker's dam about Pre-K. But he is going to hold up badly needed tax reform as a hostage to his bad idea.

Now a part of the tax reform which has support in both the House and the Senate are really no-brainers. Exempting state tax on military retirement pensions and social security pensions for retirees. Who could possibly be against those items? Should be bi-partisan. Should be as easy as falling off a log. That is of course, unless you grew up with a silver spoon in your mouth. That is of course, if you never REALLY had to work for a living. That is of course, if your soul is owned by the teacher's union. THAT is who could be against it.

Well Governor, I am one of those who meets both of those categories. I am retired military and am a senior citizen drawing social security. I am sick of being taxed on both of those pensions. If you dare try and hold those two hostage because of your teacher union paybacks, I will be the biggest pain in the butt you have had in all your years in public office. I will take out my wrath on every Democrat who sides with you on this folly. You and your party will be constant headliners and receive daily doses of the Very Angry Bird's wrath. The Bird can' do much, but he can blog, write letters, and call.

So get with the program Governor. You are not keeping my change. It is mine, not yours. I worked for it. That is something you have never had to do in your life.

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