Friday, July 24, 2015

SOS because of our SOS


"Is this Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumber? Some think so..."

The Secretary of State is a very important post in any administration. In my lifetime we have had some good ones. And also some not so good ones. The skill set to be a good Secretary of State is vast in my book - not too many people have the "right stuff". This Administration has used this position as a "filler" job. A payback job. And the results have been terrible.

Somebody asked me the other day who I thought was the worst of the two Secretary of States we have had in this Administration. It gave be pause. I could not answer. Hillary was very good at logging air miles. Not much else. So her crime (besides Benghazi) was to watch the world slowly burn by using benign neglect. And her staffing was terrible. She had Uma as her chief of staff (and as we all know, there is some very shady family history there), and the Valley Girls as her press secretaries. Bottom line, other than a few years as a carpet bag Senator, she brought NOTHING to the table for qualifications to do that job.

And then we have John Kerry. Married into the Heinz fortune. Got back from Viet Nam, grew his hair out, threw his medals over the White House fence. An ultra liberal from Mass. Hillary may have hurt this country by benign neglect, but Kerry is putting it in mortal danger by negotiating the worst treaty (yes treaty - not agreement) in recent history. He really has danced with the devil on this one. Both he and Dr. Goofy have been taken for a ride on the Reading Railroad by the Iranians. And unfortunately, the rest of the country is now riding on the back of that train.

I don't know if Kerry is responsible for this, or if it was Obama. This treaty is not an agreement. It is a treaty. Congress should fight that tooth and nail. Why? If it is a treaty, it will never get enough votes to be ratified. Never. Being an agreement, it only needs a majority vote in Congress to kill it. However (and here is the punch line), then Obama vetoes it the dead agreement to bring it back to life. And then 2/3 of Congress is needed to override the veto. Slick huh? By making this an agreement instead of a treaty, it is almost a cinch to pass.

So who is the worst between these two? Can we just call it a tie? And hope against hope that Hillary does not become our next president? In the land of the blind, even a one eyed man can become king. We saw that for sure in 2008.

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