Saturday, December 30, 2017

Here is your global warming!!

"Anyhow, the haters will continue to hate. This is just another issue the Loons on the Left will try and tie around the President's neck."

As I pen this article this morning, the temperature in my back yard is -16 and the wind chill is -35. For some bizarre reason, my wife's niece is getting married today, so we have to drive 50 miles in frigid temps to get to the wedding. In fact, this current polar vortex is so big, so vast, it covers just about the entire nation - including parts of Florida.

I am not hearing much about global warming this week. Wait - not true. The true believers in this nonsense are saying this arctic polar vortex is also part of global warming (or climate change). If I was British, I would say Balderdash! 

Our climate is constantly changing on this orb we live on. Including during this Quaternary. How so? For example, scientists believe during the past 2 1/2 million years we have had 50 ice ages. 50! And the most recent was a scant 21,000 years ago. During that ice age, just about the entire continent of North America was covered by some kind of ice.  In fact, the ice was so thick over Hudson's Bay, it measured over two miles think. The polar ice cap stretched as far south as New York. I bet nobody was crabbing back then when the ice caps started to shrink!

Living where we do, this past year was very good for weather. Just enough rain for bumper crops once again. The farmers don't much like it, because there is so much grain on the market, the prices are depressed. Other than that however, things are fine. Had a few days in the 90's, but not bad. This winter so far has been brutal. Cold, cold and more cold. That also has some advantages - kills more bugs hiding in the bark of the trees.

In any event, our climate on Planet Earth has always been in a constant state of flux. Is mankind putting more carbon in the air now than 100 years ago? I suppose we are. However, the times they are a changing. Less coal all the time. More natural gas. As time goes on, more renewable which makes financial sense. New technologies like the fuel cells are right around the corner. 

By the way, if people really want to get riled up about our climate, they need to look no further than North Korea. Now that "Rocket Man" has as many as 80 nukes, should he use all of them against anyone on this planet, it will (according to scientists) change our climate for up to a century. People will not be bitching about global warming - instead many will freeze to death.

Anyhow, the haters will continue to hate. This is just another issue the Loons on the Left will try and tie around the President's neck. As for me however, I am sitting by the electric heater with a blanket around my shoulders, trying to stay warm.


  1. Let's cut to the chase on this issue. The only basis for the /hypothesis/ that manmade CO2 is causing climate change is some vague correlation that, on further examination, doesn't really correlate. The only basis for predicting a future climate catastrophe is the climate models, and THOSE have been shown to be far off the mark so far (95% statistically likely in error, for you math geeks). BUT, if we assume those models are correct, and we ask them to predict the results of Kyoto, or Obama's Clean Power Plan, or the Paris accords, they predict temperatures will be between 0.4% and 7.0% lower than if we did nothing! Even if they are correct, their solutions are dead wrong! Why do we listen to these people?

  2. Doesn't matter much to me accept I pay the kids too much for snow shoveling the past decades. Need to switch from seasonal to by the inch basis. Need to buy different bird seed, as we are seeing new species at the lake and others are moving further north.
    45 of course, had to build larger seawall on Irish property due to increase in sea levels. And I would guess he will start hedging his bets on Mara Lago.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Here is where they pull the wool over our collective eyes, or try to: They will point to some event-- rising sea levels, more snow, less snow, hot weather, cold weather, more hurricanes, fewer hurricanes, and on and on (somewhere there is a list of some 700 things "caused by global warming"), and then they simply switch and say it is "MANMADE global warming." There is ZERO scientific evidence that these conditions are entirely or even to a significant degree due to fossil fuels.

  5. 45 couldn't find Iran on a globe!

  6. Sustainability and activism are no longer just about catastrophising or staring at beleaguered species in wonder, or watching ancient glaciers calve into the sea.
    Instead, it’s about navigating the biggest period of change that humanity has encountered, such as the shift from fossil fuel to renewables.
    Engaged, informed humans don’t design, manufacture and consume single-use plastic and chuck it in the sea.
    Nor do we deny the effect fossil fuel use has on our planet.

    1. And I don't think this is about hate. It is about reason.

  7. There is absolutely no =reason= to "shift ... to renewables." There is no evidence that fossil fuels in modern power plants have a significant effect on climate. Now IF you have an energy source that is cheaper, easily distributed and equally reliable as what we have, we will all happily buy it-- no mandates, subsidies or guilt trips needed (and wind and solar do NOT meet those criteria). The acolytes of global warming do not even believe their own "science," why should we?

    1. I guess you must be correct because; when ample evidence has been gathered and critics of a theory continue to refute it, because no amount of evidence can ever be satisfying and they will not state what kind of evidence would be so, or define it in a way that they know is impossible to reach.
      Indeed, there is no such thing as absolute certainty, except in your mind!

    2. Resolution, like responsibility, is a product of ownership, and people can't resolve a conflict until they figure out how they contributed to it.

  8. I am not claiming anything except what those dedicated to the idea that manmade CO2 is creating a climate catastrophe tell me that THEIR science says. They say that radical curbs to manmade CO2 will have an insignificant effect on climate. So the question becomes, why should we spend vast sums doing something that does not need to be done at all? You can believe my science, which says that CO2 doesn't matter, or you can believe THEIR science, which says that CO2 doesn't matter. Take your pick.

  9. By the way, you are correct, there is no absolute certainty. But a simple analysis of the data shows that, with 95% mathematical certainty, the climate models are wrong.

  10. People in Germany essentially got paid to use electricity on Christmas.
    Electricity prices in the country went negative for many customers - as in, below zero - on Sunday and Monday, because the country's supply of clean, renewable power actually outstripped demand
