Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Smooth move Jacob!

"On our recent cruise, someone asked me if I thought Minnesota was a lost cause. I told him it all depends. If we could get rid of the Twin Cities, no - there would be a chance for redemption."

He has not even been sworn in yet, and he already stepped in it. Someone asked me earlier in the year why I write about Minneapolis so much. Why should I care since I don't live in that hell hole. The reason is simple. Just about everything Minneapolis does is a teachable moment. For those who are interested to see how socialism works in a capitalist country, need to look no further than the City of Lakes. Or should I say, the City of Loons.

While the city has a failing education system, while it has a growing gang problem, while it has a persistent homelessness population, and while the pockets of poverty keep popping up all over the northside, the wizards of smart who sit on the City Council (and Jacob is one of them this year), just voted themselves a $10,000 raise. No questions asked.

I know, I know. Many out in realville are trying to remember the last time they got a $10,000 raise. For most, the answer is the 12th of never. But that is okay, as each and every member of the Minneapolis City Council is a big government statist. They think differently than normal people do. Just like in the story, The Boy in the Bubble, they are cocooned. Only their bubble is make believe.

Here is yet another example on how stupid the ruling elite is in Minneapolis. They mandated recycling of unused food. Scraps. Okay - sounds good. We do that out in the country, where we have a dedicated mulch pile. The problem with the city, most don't have mulch piles. And they they did not have the right amount of space dedicated to do the recycling. So they collect the waste and (oh-oh), there not enough places to put it. So they have to pay another county to find some place to dump it. And that is only a temporary fix. Seems like Utopia might have some holes in the bottom of the boat.

On our recent cruise, someone asked me if I thought Minnesota was a lost cause. I told him it all depends. If we could get rid of the Twin Cities, no - there would be a chance for redemption. However, the Twin Cites are like a boat anchor on the feet of progress. And the City of Minneapolis is the poster child for the dysfunction in the entire metro area.

What will Jacob Frey do to make Minneapolis great again? Nothing. It is bigger than him. Even if he was a conservative (and he is far, far from that!), he will change nothing. How do I know? As a current City Councilperson, he was one of the statists who voted himself a $10,000 raise. Case closed.    

1 comment:

  1. My only surprise is that only one Green Party member is on the City Council.
    130,000/yr is not going to do much for poverty, gangs or education. May as well put it in your pocket. 45 did that for his family and folks like them, only a whole lot more!
