Saturday, August 25, 2018

For a better Minnesota...

"Look up Jeff Johnson at his booth when you visit the fair this year. Say hi, get to know him, and then ask him your toughest questions. You will be amazed at the answers you will get. No blather, just facts. That is the kind of leadership we need for a better Minnesota in 2019 and going forward."

One of the major differences between the Blue Team and the Red Team in Minnesota is different visions on what makes a better Minnesota. It's funny - the different visions today are the same as when I was a young man. The Blue Team thinks the only way to achieve a better Minnesota is to "feed the beast" with more tax money. In other words, make the heavy hand of government even heavier by taxing the citizens more. The Red Team on the other hand, feels just the opposite. "Starve the beast", until it looses some of its size. Empower the citizens to use their own money, rather than taxing their socks off. That is just a starter.

I remember a few years ago, a Democrat said to me, "The problem with you Republicans, is you want no government at all". I corrected him immediately. "No - that is not true. Only anarchists want no government. Republicans want a right sized government which works for the people, not a giant government which enslaves people in tyranny."

Anyone who listens to the Red Team running for any elected office in Minnesota, will hear a similar theme. They want a better Minnesota by nurturing growth and opportunity. What can government do to allow more growth and opportunity? Get of the way to start with. Plow the road, instead of putting impediments up at every turn. Lower taxes for everyone. Why? According to Art Laffer (Reagan's economic adviser), lower taxes results in more revenue. How can that be? Growth.

Jeff Johnson has a very good plan for a better Minnesota - and it does include (GASP!) - government. Why? We need to have an efficient, right sized government. He does not want Minnesota to cede anymore businesses to other lower taxed states. Our taxes should be on par (or lower) than our neighboring states. 

The Blue Team would hear that idea (to right size our taxes), and cry bloody murder. "You can't do that! People with starve! People will die!" No they won't. Jeff wants generous and fair benefits for those who need them. The problem is, our government has become so unwieldy, so bloated, that we have numerous social programs which are obsolete, redundant, or just plain inefficient. 

Bottom line? By making our state government more efficient, the needy will be served better, our young folks will be educated better, our healthcare system will take care of people better, and the state services (like MNLARS) will run better. All for less money.

Trying to fix governments problems by only throwing money at them is like trying to put out an oil fire using only water. I doesn't work, and only spreads the fire further. This year more than any other, listen carefully to what the candidates have to say. We have heard vague solutions to huge problems from the Blue Team for years now. Like, "Well, we need to fully fund it so it works better". And that is it - no more. The Red Team on the other hand, has specific solutions for specific problems. 

If you think this is just Red Team propaganda, look up Jeff Johnson at his booth when you visit the fair this year. Say hi, get to know him, and then ask him your toughest questions. You will be amazed at the answers you will get. No blather, just facts. That is the kind of leadership we need for a better Minnesota in 2019 and going forward.    


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Sorry Dave - not germane to the Jeff article. Please re-post on the ALGORE site.

    1. Couldn't find the Al Gore site......

      Something's happening, and its not good for us.

      Should we:
      a) scramble around nitpicking the flaws in everyone's explanation
      b) move towards living sustainably, instead of gutting every natural resource while continually producing more and more waste that won't biodegrade

      Seriously. Whichever way the science goes, there's still the issue of taking care of the only home that we all share.

      I'd tell you to research the amount of pollution deaths that other countries (especially China) suffer, but you probably aren't even reading now.

      The real problem is not whether or not you understand that regardless of the science we still need to care for the earth.

    2. And the above is related to JJ because he is also a denier.

  3. As somebody recently said, Democrat "solutions" are like "castrating yourself because you think your neighbor has too many kids."

  4. I know you guys have more sense than the UC, so I just try to comment with something climate related yet relevant to the original blogpost. No sense preaching to the choir, they already know the song.

  5. (Mike here) Hey Larry, did you remove something Gjerdingen posted?? If so, please don't do that. Let everything stand as is. We must not change history (like the Left always does). Besides, it works to our advantage to let liberals spew. Whatever it may be.
