Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Why we could lose the race...

"I love debating issues with the other side. I love spreading our word of growth and opportunity to the uncommitted middle. I HATE arguing with other Republicans - over, and over, and over again. Our dislike for each other is a perfect recipe for losing in 2020."

Yesterday, in one of the short sessions I was not outside enjoying the weather, I went on social media to see what is happening. One of the local gun club spokespersons was doing a live feed. He first beat up one of the Republican legislators for not doing enough, and then most of his fire (and ire) was directed at the spokesperson for the OTHER gun club. And the beat goes on. While both of these gun clubs have the same objective, much friendly fire is wasted on each other.

Last Saturday at our district convention, some disgruntled Republicans were at the front door of the high school. I did not know at first they were disgruntled Republicans. Why? First off, I did not know them, and they did not introduce themselves to me. All they did was shove a camera in my face and ask me questions about my Congressman. It seems these folks (from whatever CD they were from), had a beef with my Congressman. Not me, nor my fellow delegates, only my Congressman. But regardless, their fire was directed at us.

If they had introduced themselves to me, and which CD they were from, we could have had a lively discussion about the 2020 election. After all, is that not what we all want? To win? To weaken a sitting Republican Congressman serves nobody except the Democrats. But I should say this - it was not the first time I have been attacked for simply being in my CD. By other Republicans who dislike my Congressman. The only other Congressman (or Congresswoman) I attack are Betty McCollum, Omar, Angie Craig, Dean Phillips, or Rip Van Winkle up in the 7th. Never Jim, Pete or Tom.

I love debating issues with the other side. I love spreading our word of growth and opportunity to the uncommitted middle. I HATE arguing with other Republicans - over, and over, and over again. Our dislike for each other is a perfect recipe for losing in 2020. The first rule of our representative democracy is if you don't like the job someone is doing, first tell that person. If that does not work, and it you live in that district, primary him or her. And then campaign for the person who is running in the primary against the person you disagree with. 

This is a big reason why I have decided to disengage from politics after this term. Some Republicans will never learn. They will take their purity tests all the way to the finish line, and then wonder why they came in last. I am done fighting with people who should be allies. I am done being on the receiving end of friendly fire. Too bad, so sad, I bad - but that is why I am done.


  1. You sound like exactly the kind of Republican that Democrats like: falling over at the first sign of real opposition. You need to keep challenging these fair-weather Republicans. Here are a few:
    "Would you rather stand on principle and lose, or forsake principle and win? The correct answer is to stand on principle and win."
    "When you vote, any Republican is better than every Democrat. Not voting for the Republican lets the Democrat win."
    "No politician 'learns a lesson' from being defeated. Elections are about advancing your political aims, not punishing the candidate or Party that will do that and rewarding the Party that will actively work against you."
    "If you don't like the Republican you have in office, keep them until you find one better, and make sure they win."
    "These days, elections often hinge as much on who stays home as on who actually votes. Democrats ALWAYS vote."

    And my favorite, looking over Democrat control of the MN and US House, "Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from evil. Vote against evil."

  2. Oh, and "Democrats always vote" even if they are dead or imaginary.
