Tuesday, July 28, 2020

D = D + D + D

"This once proud party of FDR and JFK, is now the party of nitwits and senile old men. If you align with the Democrats these days, take a long look in the mirror. You might not like what you see."

Oh boy! A math test! An equation to figure out! Not really. It is really very simple. It defines today's Democrat Party to a "T". Here are the "D" definitions: Democrats = Disrespect + Destruction + Death. Sound a bit like grandstanding? Like histrionics? Maybe we should take a deeper dive.

Disrespect - Today's Democrats really do have very little time for authority. That has become evident in how they treat our police forces, how they treat our President, how they treat our flag, our National Anthem, our history. They disrespect our Constitution, and our laws which emanate from it. The worst disrespect however, is how they treat our God. They boo God at gatherings. They have kicked God out of schools. They have eliminated God from their platform. No, when it comes to disrespect, these secular humanists respect very little - other than themselves. 

Destruction - Democrats have quickly morphed from the "loyal opposition", into enemies of the state. They "burn, destroy, kill and maim, and they don't care to know your name." With the tacit approval of big blue city mayors, they are laying waste to America's cities. Last night was the 61st night in a row of plundering Portland.

Everything is fair game. Private businesses, state buildings, federal buildings, private residences. When the George Floyd riot in Minneapolis burned out of control for four nights, and Mayor Frey and Governor Walz were playing with their fiddles while it happened, the national fuse was lit. Mutts, thugs and butt heads, from all over the country, saw just how easy this would be. A bunch of overgrown kids were able to kick the cops out of their Third Precinct Headquarters, and then lay waste to it. By the time it was over, the smoldering ruin looked nothing like what the Third Precinct once was.

Today, this group of misfits are going after the private residences of public officials. Not only to vandalize, but also to threaten. They want to make it so uncomfortable for people to serve, they will quit. Nobody will want to run for any office. They want to erase our history by destroying everything in our heritage. Nothing is off limits for these "new heathens". They are the enemy of the state, our cancer, our disgrace, all rolled into one disgusting pool of slime. They barely resemble what was once humanity.

Death - Saved the worst for last. Democrats have long been known as the Party of Death for their love affair with abortions. What is odd to many clear thinking Americans, is the fact that Margret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parent hood. As Sanger was a disciple of eugenics, Planned Parenthood her tool to rid the country of black folk. The irony is to this day, is 85% to 90% of black folk are still monolithic voters for the Democrat Party. The party which has abortion as its cornerstone virtue. Black folk may only be 13% of the population, but black abortions are 36% of all babies aborted. According to the CDC, abortion kills more black people in America than HIV, diabetes, homicide, cancer, heart disease, accidents - combined. What say you, BLM?

There are probably other "D" words which can describe today's Democrat Party. Sad. This once proud party of FDR and JFK, is now the party of nitwits and senile old men. If you align with the Democrats these days, take a long look in the mirror. You might not like what you see.




  1. dimwit, dunce, doo-doo head, deceptive, delusional, deranged, dangerous...
