Sunday, July 5, 2020

"Eff the 4th?" Really?

"Citizens and patriots are thankful to God each and every day for this great country. Maybe that is part of the problem with the cancel culture America haters. God. Maybe loving and respecting God is step one to get back on the road to citizenship."

Last night, for reasons unknown to most of us, there was a demonstration of young people, most of whom had been educated in our public school system. They were walking through Minneapolis, dragging chains. Chains? Really? Many are white kids of privilege, who have been raised the right way, but have allowed themselves to become "cancel cultured". Thus, they have allowed themselves to be what Lenin called, "useful idiots". As the old poem goes, "They burn destroy, kill, or maim, it is funny they don't even know their name."

These are homespun America haters. They hate America. Why? They have been taught our country is so bad, so repressive. The only cure for America right now, is to destroy its inner fabric - its history. Tear down statues, deface monuments, rename things, but most importantly - re-write our history. 

One of the goofballs in last night's demonstration held up a sign which said "F**k the 4th!" Like, I am assuming he/she meant the Fourth of July? Like our Independence Day? Our nation's birthday? Why pray tell, is our nation's birthday offensive to anyone, much less some of our own citizens?

Then it dawned on me. I thought about that old Simon and Garfunkel song, which had the following lyrics - "When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school, it is a wonder I can think at all." BINGO! These young people can't think. If they could, they would not be out on Independence Day dragging chains. They would be off someplace celebrating, watching fireworks, like most folk do. 

What these young people need to understand, is simply this. They are playing with fire. They are doing something much more dangerous than holding an m-80 firecracker in their hand after lighting it. The adults in this country have had it with all the damage and disruption. The President for sure has had it. What happened in Minneapolis after the Floyd incident was beyond bad - it was reprehensible. These were criminal actions. The perps are being caught, charged, and when convicted, will be thrown in the pen for a good many years. There goes your life. This is not a game. This is real. And these youngins are messing with the greatest country on Earth. The citizens WILL NOT TOLERATE IT.

Not to sound like a ChiCom, but maybe we need re-education camps for these young folks. We need to get rid of all the muck, goo, and false truths they learned in our government schools, and then teach them real American History and Civics. I know, I know. Before the 60's released their toxins into our education system, many of us did learn true American History and Civics. But right under our noses, the school boards and education unions became corrupt. They became America's internal enemy.

Most of us had a fantastic Independence Day. If you have not yet seen the Mount Rushmore event on YouTube, I suggest you watch it. It was beyond wonderful. It was a history lesson, as well as a celebration. Mount Rushmore never looked prouder.

Citizens and patriots are thankful to God each and every day for this great country. Maybe that is part of the problem with the America haters. God. Maybe loving and respecting God is step one to get back on the road to citizenship.

And yes, I will finish this up by saying simply this - God bless the United States of America, and what it stands for! We love this old girl, and red, white and blue blood flows through our veins each and every day.  


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