Friday, January 29, 2021

As our friends scratch their heads, our enemies laugh...

"Congress! Please, please, wake the hell up! Spit those blue pills out and take a handful of red ones! If you can't see what is going on right now Congress, you are either blind, stupid, or part of this cabal."

"Miss me yet?" There should be billboards all over the countryside, with a picture of Donald Trump, and that one simple question on it. It has only been less than two weeks since Slo Joe took his oath of office, and already he is the worst. President. Ever. I mean, this feeble old man is on a trajectory to be worse than Jimmy Carter and Barrack Obama rolled into one. What he has done with his 40 plus executive actions and orders is beyond shameful - it should be criminal.

"All enemies foreign and domestic". Many of us have taken that oath. I have never seen a foreign enemy who has done greater damage to this great country in such a short period of time, than Joe Biden has. And here is the amazing part. Much of the country continues to munch on their blue pills, and are oblivious to what is going on. Well about 50,000 coal and gas workers are not oblivious. Many have already been "pinked". And that is just a start of a tidal wave of layoffs.

Just like that, this village idiot we call POTUS, has taken us from energy independence to once again a begging energy serf to OPEC and Russia. And Russia is loving it! Trump had them on the ropes. Their oil business was tanking. And then without firing a shot, their biggest energy competitor threw in the towel. Why? Because our "President" is owned lock stock and barrel by the squad, the "greenies", and Commies.

How about China? To them the Paris Climate Agreement is as worthless as toilet paper. To Biden, it is like a gospel. But that is okay - when we kill part of our economy due to killing part of our energy production, China - like Russia, will go to town. Why? They are mostly exempt from it. As our friends scratch their collective heads, wondering what the hell has happened to us, our enemies will turn and burn.

I am going to spell this out in short sentences, using small words, just in case Slo Joe is reading this. I have been following the the transition to EVs (electric vehicles) for a few years now. A short time ago, both Ford and GM had desires to go totally electric by the middle to end of this decade. This morning, there was an article saying that GM will now go totally electric by 2035 instead of 2025. Why is that? Listen to this carefully Biden - BECAUSE THE TECHNOLOGY IS NOT THERE YET! Especially, battery technology.

If this babbling old fool had run these executive actions through Congress, where (hopefully) honest debate could have taken place, chances are very good (even with a slim Democrat edge), our energy industry would not have been killed by Biden. But Biden killed it with a shot between the eyes - better known as executive actions. 

Congress! Please, please, wake the hell up! Spit those blue pills out and take a handful of red ones! If you can't see what is going on right now Congress, you are either blind, stupid, or part of this cabal. Once again, "all enemies foreign and domestic". Right now, the enemy might be inside the tent. 


  1. From the Gospels: "And a man's foes shall be those of his own household."

  2. What we need are some dang fine lawyers-- tie the SOB up in court like they did Trump.
