Thursday, January 7, 2021

What the hell just happened?!?

"Yesterday, we got sucker punched. We walked into a trap. Today, we need to lick our wounds. For the next two years, we have a steep trail ahead. But we are good, and we are faithful. They are not. We will survive this. We have no choice." 

Question: How did a group of Trump supporters, who leave a venue cleaner than what is was before an event, manage to trash our nation's Capitol? Short answer - they didn't. Oh they were there, outside the Capitol Building, trying to have their voices heard. But the bad stuff going on inside? The assaults on police officers? Most, if not all, was done by outside sinister forces. Why? They wanted the good guys to be perceived as the bad guys. So far, it is working just fine for them.

To say yesterday was not a good day, would be the master of understatements. Not only did we lose the Senate for at least the next two years, we also lost the trust of the American people. Meanwhile, the group who perpetuated the greatest theft of the century, the theft of the 2020 election - go unpunished. The torted systems which screwed us in 2020, will be there again in 2022. Only better. Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. America (once known as "Joe Six Pack"), are left on the sidelines wondering what the hell just happened.

Like most of us, I sat in stunned silence while this was unfolding. Donald Trump had finally met his match. Not just the Deep State, or a corrupted voting system, but the confluence of the two. I said in my last post, as deep and wide as the Deep State is, does not compare to how broad and corrupt our voting system has become. And it all started with the SOS Program, funded in part by Soros. Get "friendly" Democrat SOS assets in every state. How "friendly"? Blind eye, deaf ear, or thumb on the scale "friendly". And the corruption has grown like a giant amoeba ever since.

Bottom line? Our hero, the man who saved America in 2016, might get martyred (so to speak). When I say "martyred", I mean politically neutered. Just as in post revolution Russia, the socialist Democrats can't wait to liquidate this President. Erase all evidence of his time in Washington. Reverse every good thing he has done. And his followers? They will be dealt with harshly. If the socialists could send them to "re-education" camps, they would. Anyone who thinks outside the sphere of Biden/Harris "groupthink", will be considered tainted, and therefore un-necessary. 

What can we do? First off, never give up. Remember our roots lie in our ancestors. The Founders. Our Constitution. Then we need to learn. It is obvious that the left has entered a new dimension of asymmetrical warfare. We need to learn that also. Know it, so we can counter it. Not sink to their level - we are better than that. But to (legally) beat them like a drum, and then expose them for what and who they are. Why? Because they are not Americans. They have no interest in becoming Americans. They are globalists, who pay homage only to the UN. 

Yesterday, we got sucker punched. We walked into a trap. Today, we need to lick our wounds. For the next two years, we have a steep trail ahead. But we are good, and we are faithful. They are not. We will survive this. We have no choice. 

1 comment:

  1. I'd just like to reemphasize that a corruptly-elected Congress has lost the institution's authority. We owe it no allegiance & need not obey any odious laws it may pass. The First Republic is hereby dissolved!
