Monday, January 11, 2021

Back to 2020, please!

"Our entire country now looks like a 330 million member gang who can't shoot straight. Some of the international press clippings I have seen, show many of our friends overseas looking at us, with jaws dropped."

The old Chinese saying, "May you live in interesting times", has recently been replaced with one of our own. "We live in the most nutty time - ever!" It is not interesting - we past that curve in the road some time last year. Speaking of last year  - where the heck is that "way back" machine? As goofy as 2020 was, it as not as crazy and nutty as this year is so far.

Our entire country now looks like a 330 million member gang who can't shoot straight. Some of the international press clippings I have seen, show many of our friends overseas looking at us, with jaws dropped. America, the "shinning light on the hill", is starting to look like an insane asylum on a hill instead. Whose fault is it? Take your pick. 

Here is the problem as I see it. Half the country no longer respects or recognizes Donald Trump as our President. Besides (in their eyes), he was behind the January 6th Capitol Hill "insurrection. The other half of the country know that Joe Biden cheated in the past election. He is fiat. That half, still recognizes Donald Trump as President, and will do so until the next four years are up. Then we have the Wicked Witch of the House. She is unhinged, unchecked, and very dangerous right now.

For the first time in my lifetime, this country may be ungovernable. This should come as no shock to anyone who takes red pills. We have seen this coming for years. The blue pill takers, don't have a clue. Maybe it is better that way. When the s**t hits the fan, maybe being in a soma trance will be an oasis for them. For the rest of us, who are paying attention, trying to make sense out of things (non of which we have never seen before), is mind numbing and confusing. 

Some think the first shots in the next American Civil War have already started. They started with the oligarchs of Big Tech, censoring the conservatives. They want to take away our First Amendment rights. Hard to argue that point is wrong. Whatever is coming, it is going to be trouble. Will Trump make a last play using the Insurrection Act of 1807? Some are convinced he will, others are very hopeful he will. But as time goes on, more and more are losing hope that this was no more than a pipe dream. And if it ends up being only a pipe dream, we are in for a very bumpy ride, starting January 20th.

One word about this impeachment thing the Wicked Witch is trying to garner. My opinion? Go for it Nancy, please go for it. Once she wastes more money and time on a second impeachment (which will go nowhere), Pelosi will be less popular than dog poop stuck to the bottom of your shoe. Every day she wastes on this folly, the 2022 red wave gets a couple inches higher.

I hated 2020. With a passion, I hated it. But I would go back in the heart beat compared to how this year is turning out already. Out with the old, in with the new? No thanks.


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