Sunday, January 24, 2021


"The socialists in Biden's America want us all to be apprised of our NEW history. It will pick up after what Obama tried to teach the world during his "apology tours". America bad. We are white, we conquer, we oppress. Can we please give you some money as reparations?"

"There is something happening here, what is ain't exactly clear." Us oldies can remember that Buffalo Springfield song. Different time, different situation, different divided country. Only this time it was the free love generation against "the man". Today, the battle is between being here, or being forgotten. Or should I say erased. Or deprogramed. Or liquidated. Welcome to Biden's America.

Just like that, we have gone from a free America, a country which put it's citizens first, a country which was a beacon of liberty, to Biden's America. In the short period of time Biden has been in office, he has signed a blizzard of executive orders. Very few of which are benign. And the new Congress? Who needs them? Biden is a one man wrecking ball, bound and determined to return America to what it was under Obama. A throw rug. An ATM. A globalist patsy for dictators and bad guys.

By the way, if you are, or were a Trump supporter - watch out. Big Brother is coming after you. It seems there was something wrong with your thinking. Your very being. You need to either be fixed or erased. That can be done by ruining your political aspirations, your business, your family, or your reputation. In the minds of the leftists who support Biden, you are a cancer on the body politic right now. You need to be removed from the scene, never to reappear. As many of the socialists have said, it is not enough to get rid of Trump - we need to make sure his type never appear again. Welcome to Biden's America. 

The socialists in Biden's America want us all to be apprised of our NEW history. It will pick up after what Obama tried to teach the world during his "apology tours". America bad. We are white, we conquer, we oppress. Can we please give you some money as reparations? Will you love us then? Everything good we did in true history is now being modified or erased.

Erasing people from significance, and then erasing true history, is how you get to real change. Donald Trump was an anathema to this type of thinking. For that sin, his name shall now be banned. It will be worse than Voldemort. By the way, the same punishment should apply to the 75 to 85 million citizens and patriots who voted for Trump in 2020.

I get back to Buffalo Springfield. What is happening here? It sure ain't exactly clear. In less than a week, our country has gone from the shining city on the hill that Reagan talked about, to something with a dimmer switch, turned down very low.

As the rest of us are hiding from the new gestapo, Biden is dismantling America brick by brick. What is happening here? You tell me. 

1 comment:

  1. "Big Brother is coming after you."

    Then he can forget about coming back.

    "It seems there was something wrong with your thinking. Your very being. You need to either be fixed or erased. That can be done by ruining your political aspirations, your business, your family, or your reputation."

    Too bad I don't have any of those things to speak of! My political aspirations were always constrained by recognizing the insufferable ordeal of campaigning. Someone would need to appoint me!
