Monday, January 18, 2021

No MLK for four years?

"I know there has been racism in our country in the past. Some still exists today. Again, I hear NOTHING about skin color from the conservatives I run with. Just character."

As most all of us know, today is Martin Luther King day. I was a young adult when Dr. King was assassinated. I did not agree with all of Dr. King's teaching, but I did so with many of them. Especially the one where he talked about the "content of the character, and not the color of the skin." Hello? Slo Joe? Are you listening? It seems for some reason, Democrats (especially Biden) is overly concerned with skin color. Most conservatives in my circle are not. There is only one race - and that is the human race. Character baby - character is what matters.

When Biden was putting his cabinet together, he was overly concerned it looked "like America". Had to have blacks, browns, gays, trannies, or whatever. People were looked upon as tokens instead of people. Having an old white guy (like Joe), was considered to be unacceptable. Biden is such a phony. Has not changed in all these years.

When I was stationed in Okinawa in the very early 70's, the Naval Security Group had no women, and hardly any (or no) minorities. One day the Division Chief called me into his office. "We have a new man reporting, and I would like you to show him the ropes. Be his shipmate". Not a problem, I had done it before. "One more thing", the Chief went on to say - "He is black. Is that a problem?" 

The look on my face must of given me away. I was shocked. Not that our new shipmate was black, but why the Chief would ask me that. "Of course not Chief. I will make him feel a part of the section in no time." 

Part of the routine of checking in, was you were the brunt of many practical jokes. Like taking the "Canon Report" around for approval signatures. Once all the signatures were obtained, the poor individual who was routing it was asked to read it for the Division Officer. It was one piece of paper which said "Boom". 

Everyone in the section had nicknames for West Side Story. Mine was "Ice". Seaman Campbell feel for so many of our gags, we nicknamed him "EZ". He loved it. He quickly became a part of our section, and the difference in skin color became as irrelevant as the color of someone's hair. Bottom line? As Dr. King had taught us, we liked "EZ" for the content of his character. Period.

I know there has been racism in our country in the past. Some still exists today. Again, I hear NOTHING about skin color from the conservatives I run with. Just character.

Biden will never change. He will always focus on skin color rather than character. Shame. Guess for the next four years, MLK can take some time off. Having his messages from the past is a waste of time with this crowd who is about to take over the reigns of government.

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