Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Face Diapers

"The less time I need to be in a face diaper, the better. I have grown to loath those things. Do they help? Debatable. Or doubtful. Many, if not most in my orbit, think they are worthless." 

Yesterday, my wife and I were running around doing some errands. It was close to lunchtime, and we had a couple of Arby coupons which were getting ready to expire. We went through the drive through at an Arby's, and got our lunch. As we sat parked eating our lunch, we had a good view of the White Castle next door. I was amazed on how many (older) people we saw coming out of White Caster, lunch in hand, still wearing a mask. Now, when I have to wear a mask inside (rules), I have that sucker whipped off when I am 6 inches outside the door. Never have worn one outside - never will.

Yesterday, our appeaser in chief (Slo Joe), announced to us that IF we are fully vaccinated, we need not wear a face diaper outside (unless that is, you are in a crowd). Inside however - not so fast. It seems to me, the goalposts are shifting once again. I could have sworn that I heard, if you were fully vaccinated, and with others who are fully vaccinated, masks are not required. They are not necessary. 

In fact, I recently heard the CEO of Carnival Cruise Lines, tell a business reporter that his cruise ships will be ready to go and will be totally safe by summer. Why? You can't be on the ship as a guest or a crew member unless you have a vaccine passport. Then when the ship is safely at sea, no masks are required by anybody. Now that  - makes perfectly good sense to me. 

Even though Fauci is fully vaccinated, he has been caught more than once wearing two masks. Huh? What for? Is he virtue signaling, or is there a medical reason? He is one of the people who have told us in the past that masks will no longer be required once fully vaccinated. So what is St. Fauci doing? Following "the science"? I don't think so. Ted Cruz once again has it spot on. He is not wearing a mask any longer on the Senate floor. Why not? He has been fully vaccinated. He does not need one.

I think the smart money is on folks who are either vaccinated, or keeping their immune system fortified with the proper supplements. One doctor was on one of the cable shows this past weekend. He said we would be much further along, if those who choose not to be vaccinated, don't criticize those who are vaccinated. By the same token, those who choose to be vaccinated, should not criticize those who are not. He said some folks have a natural immunity. Some have already had Covid, and have the antibodies. It should be a person decision if one gets vaccinated or not.

The less time I need to be in a face diaper, the better. I have grown to loath those things. Do they help? Debatable. Or doubtful. Many, if not most in my orbit, think they are worthless. That is, except for Slo Joe, and St. Fauci. But they are not in my orbit. Not even close.   

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