Sunday, April 11, 2021

President? Royalty? Or just a marionette?

"The plan by the marionettists is simple. Have things so mucked up, and so tilted by 2022, it will be impossible for the Republicans to take back the House and/or Senate. It will keep them a minority party forever."

"I have a phone and a pen", Obama would often times tell us. And he would go hog wild with Executive actions, most of which should have been handled by Congress. How do I know? The Constitution in Article 1, Section 1, tells us "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States...". Please note that nothing is mentioned about the President. He (or she) has zero legislative powers - unless of course, you are counting fiat Executive actions.

It seems that Slo Joe was taking good notes when he was Obama's Veep. Because now that Slo Joe is living in the White House, he is papering the town with his own Executive actions. If Obama thought he was king, Biden thinks of himself as an emperor. 

Most of us have heard this story many times. In the early days of our fledgling republic, some of the Founders wanted George Washington to be our king. Washington, being as wise as he was, declined. He did not want another King George type of government. So, Washington agreed to be our first President. A President who lived within the confines of our newly minted Constitution. Oh, how times have changed over the centuries.

Currently, we have an old man, in the early stages of dementia, serving as our President. His handlers, are acting like marionettists, pulling the stings on this hapless old man playing the part of the marionette. Congress, who is also part of this great cabal, is sitting in the wings, just waiting to take their direction not from their voters, but from the marionettists. 

The way things are operating right now, is sick and wrong. It is antithetical to the way the Framers wanted our republic to work. But that is part of the plan. The marionettists want our republic to be replaced by a democracy, and our economic system to be socialism rather than capitalism. And the people, the voters, who hired everyone who serves in Washington? They are either just along for the ride, or are being taken for a ride.

What Biden and the marionettists are given us right now, is a legislative example of shock and awe. Throw everything, including the kitchen sink at the wall, and let's see what sticks. The "infrastructure" bill has barely been broached, and now we are on to a commission to study "court packing". Plus, stirring in the background, the marionettists are starting to rev up the 51st (WDC) and 52nd (Puerto Rico) statehood issue. 

When Obama thought he was king, it put the country on a dangerous trajectory. With Biden, things are even more sinister. We have nameless, faceless string pullers, acting as the marionettists right now. Unelected people, running (and now ruining) the joint. If this does not alarm you, it should. 

The plan by the marionettists is simple. Have things so mucked up, so tilted by 2022, it will be impossible for the Republicans to take back the House and/or Senate. It will keep them a minority party forever.

By doing so, the road will be paved for the marionettists to initiate the Great Reset. And when that happens, it will be lights out. It will be sunset time, the end, for the greatest republic, the greatest system of government, the world has ever known.   

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