Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Our ACAB issue

"Being a cop has always been a tough job. A dangerous job. Already this young year, there has been 96 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. 96 LEOs who did not make it home when their watch was over."

Yesterday, I had breakfast with a friend who serves in law enforcement. As we have been friends for some time now, we talked about many subjects, including what is happening in Brooklyn Center. We also discussed what is happening to our police forces, nationwide. How police are being besmirched and marginalized more and more by a small, yet very vocal, chattering class. How more and more, our law enforcement individuals are not getting the proper backing by the cities which hired them. It was a disturbing, yet enlightening conversation. 

While we were on the subject, my friend told me of a consequence of what is happening to many of our police forces - especially in "blue" communities. Not only are some of the law enforcement forces being underfunded or de-funded, but the recruiting of new officers has become a huge problem. Why? Very few have interest in being a cop these days.

ACAB has become prolific graffiti in many areas of the country. For those who don't know what it stands for, it means All Cops Are Bastards. When did all this start? I mean, it was not that long ago that being a police officer meant something which good and positive. An honorable profession. And it still is today, as it is considered by many of us. However, there is a small and vocal community who want cops gone. If not gone, unarmed. Make them like Bobbies in the UK.

Being a cop has always been a tough job. A dangerous job. Already this young year, there has been 96 law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. 96 LEOs who did not make it home when their watch was over. Some murdered in cold blood. I don't recall seeing any protests or riots in the aftermath of their deaths. "Blue lives" matter as much as anyone else's life, and I don't care what anybody says. They are people, some with families, and they are just like the rest of us. 

We need to get this corrected, and soon. It is ripping the country apart. Where do I think this started? With our Divider-in-Chief, Barack H. Obama. With the Henry Lewis Gates incident with police. When, because Obama and Gates were buddies, before knowing all the facts, Obama said the police "acted stupidly". Then the infamous "beer summit". That in my opinion, was the start of this.

Next, throw in what Democrat Mayor de Blasio did to his police forces in New York City, and the script was becoming clear. Cops (according to many Democrats), don't matter any more. Then just this week, Rashida Tlaib tweeted out that we need to get rid of all of the cops - everywhere. And yes, she is a Democrat Congresswoman.

As far as I am concerned, my opinion of law enforcement has never changed. I respect and honor what they do for us. The Sheriff and his Deputies in the county I reside in, live up to their "Protect and Serve" commitment ever day. They are second to none in practicing valor and professionalism. They always have the backs of the citizens, and we have their backs.

ACAB? Not hardly. I like ACAH better. That would be All Cops Are Heroes. What happened in Brooklyn Center last weekend might have been just a horrible accident. The jury, if it comes to that, will decide what it was. None of us, wanted to see what happened to that young man. But it did, and now we have to deal with it.  We have to deal with it without painting all cops with the same broad brush, or resort to the burning and looting of property belonging to innocent citizens.

We are in trouble folks. Deep, deep trouble. The George Floyd riots were just the canary in the coalmine. And now we have Brooklyn Center. This is not good...




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