Friday, April 30, 2021

Police without policing?


"This is why we need two states in Minnesota instead of one. I would opt to live in the free state of Dakota, with a normal Governor like Kristie Noem. The Democrats can stay in this gulag called Minnesota, and be ruled by a dolt called Walz."

Now our Governor has decided to jump into the fray. You know, the let's "reimagine" policing issue. If you are a socialist Democrat, the term police is a six letter word, which is vile as many four letter words. To them, most, if not all, police are nothing more than jack booted thugs.  Most conservatives however, feel just the opposite. They understand that a good and strong police force is necessary to maintaining law and order. And No Balls Walz? He wants the legislature to muzzle our police forces, so they are nothing more than Bobbies. 

The thing which is the most disconcerting, is this rush by those on the loony left to take away a police officer's immunity. If a police officer does not have immunity, not only when he or she puts on the uniform every morning, there is not only a chance of being killed, but also sued. What will be the result of such an action? Not only will it continue to winnow the force, but those who are left, will be hesitant to take any action which could put them in legal jeopardy. The net result of such insanity? A neutered police force. A win for the criminals.

What is with the Democrats anyhow? They want to take guns away from legal gun owners, and also want to neuter our law enforcement. If I were a law breaker, I would be doing a jig in the street right now. Most normal people however, are left scratching their heads. What is the end game here? Why do Democrats always side with the bad guys? Why do they want to empower them further? 

Fortunately in Minnesota, we have Senate which has normal leadership. They have no interest in losing or weakening our police forces. The Minnesota House? Not the same story. And our feckless Governor is the same way. The news have a story running about how the University of Minnesota is also "reimagining" their police force. Good luck with that. It seems like every week, there is a story about some student getting mugged by the "U" at night. With cops being absent, it will be a free-for-all. 

This is why we need two states in Minnesota instead of one. I would opt to live in the free state of Dakota, with a normal Governor like Kristie Noem. The Democrats can stay in this gulag called Minnesota, and be ruled by a dolt called Walz.

This police issue has about pushed me over the edge. Getting rid of, or weakening our police forces, is the dumbest thing I have heard of since playing Russian Roulette.    

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