Friday, April 23, 2021

Smokin' Joe's "La-La" World View

"Soon, Biden and his minions will have accomplished their mission. America, the great and powerful, will have devolved into America, the dull grey and ordinary."  

"What color is the sky in your world", is a question often asked of someone who is either clueless or just plain stoopid. Truthfully - it has been many a year since I have used that phrase on anyone. Why? In my orbit of friends, very few, if any, deserve it. HOWEVER - this blabbering old man, who somehow made his way into the White House, deserves that question - and in spades. Whoops! I used a term which Biden would find "racist". I should not have used "in spades", even though the origin of that term comes from the card game of Bridge.

Biden. I don't think I have ever seen anyone like him before. I have never seen anyone who gets played by so many, and has no shame in doing so. This week, our fearless leader had a virtual gathering of nations to discuss climate change (whatever that is). He has committed that our country will cut our carbon footprint in half by the end of the decade (8 1/2 years away). Not only is that impossible, but also very foolish to even attempt. Meanwhile, as Joe tries to take this nation back to the horse and buggy era, China (the world's largest polluter), continues to build new coal plants to their heart's content. Then why in the world is Biden doing this? He is either evil, stoopid, or both.

As damaging as Biden is about climate, it is nothing compared to what he is doing to our youth concerning race. Not only race, but our history. He stands firmly behind this commie manifesto, which teaches our youngins that America is a rotten and illegit country. The Critical Race Theory (CRT) curriculum spells that out quite nicely for our vulnerable youth. We are white, we are privileged, we are conquerors. Mix in with the CRT, Common Core, and then add a dash of early Pre-K sex education. All of a sudden, we have a world class mess in our government schools. Now more than ever, they indoctrinate our youth, more than educate them. Biden, and his phony "Doc" wife, are aware of this, and are all in.

One more thing in which Slo Joe is especially dense. Equity. He has dropped kicked equality out the door, and replaced it with equity. Why? Because America, is inherently racist and unfair. Having equity, where everyone is the same, and gets the same, ensures all shades of the rainbow are now gone (other than dull grey). Everyone, regardless of talent, work ethic, education - will get the same (sound a bit like Lenin?). 

What will that do to our economic system? No more building a better mousetrap. We will look more and more like China. Maybe however, that was the plan all along. The Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, CCP connection might be in full swing right now. And to think, Biden had the balls to call Trump "Putin's puppet". Biden is owned and operated by the Red Chinese. Biden is much worse than a "puppet".

What color is the sky in Biden's world? In don't know - does Biden ever know there is a sky? Remember, this guy has never worked, and has been sucking off the teat of government for decades. Without a doubt, he is the most damaging person ever to set foot in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. He should have been impeached yesterday, for the damage he has already done to this country.

Sadly however, this nation has way too many "blue pill" folks, who look at this hapless old man with compassion and tolerance. They say, "He means well." Or, "He is not as rough and tough as Trump was." One of those is true, and the other is a lie. True, he is not as rough and tough as Trump. False, he means well. He does not mean well for this country. He worships at the feet of the Great Reset deity.

Soon, Biden and his minions will have accomplished their mission. America, the great and powerful, will have devolved into America, the dull grey and ordinary.  


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