Friday, May 21, 2021

Our Accidental President

"Why is Joe Biden accidental? He should have never been picked. Someone said Biden's family allowing Slo Joe to be put into this situation, is tantamount to elder abuse. And what Biden is doing to this country right now is taxpayer and citizen abuse."  

Did you know that Joe Biden is solely responsible for curing Covid - 19? Ending the pandemic? Parting the Red Sea? Okay - maybe not parting the Red Sea, but he sure is anxious to take credit for the hard work others have done on Covid. But what has Joe done then? In his first 150 days? Not much. Except undo many of the good things that Donald Trump had put into play. In fact, knowing that Biden still carries a 60% approval rating, speaks volumes about the electorate. It also explains how a moron like Joe could have beat an incumbent President who actually got things done. 

For those of us who are paying attention, whenever Biden tries to take credit for Operation Warp Speed, it is like nails on the chalkboard. Biden did NOTHING to create Warp Speed. Donald Trump was the one who "plowed the road" to shortstop the regulatory FDA approval maze, was well as helping to garner funding for the pharma companies who would do the heavy lifting. To date, our accidental President has not given Donald Trump one iota of credit for this miracle of medicine. 

How about the Egyptians? You know, the ones with the guts to wade into this quagmire and help forge a cease fire between Israel and Hamas? Never mind it was Egypt who deserves the peace prize for doing this - Joe Biden got on national TV and claimed credit yesterday. Wait - what? How could Biden claim credit for something he had NOTHING to do with? I don't know - you will have to ask Slo Joe.

BTW - one thing many of us have wondered is how the wounds healed so fast after the blistering Commie Harris gave Slo Joe in that infamous debate. Like, when she all but called him a racist. Seems that even though Joe looked like he was getting ready for beddy-bye time, on the inside, he was doing a slow burn. And "Dr." Biden, Slo Joe's wife, was even more pissed than Joe was. Then why in the world did Biden pick Harris? Because she is supposedly the first black female who served as Veep. The reason I say "supposedly", is whenever Harris says she is black, her parents dispute that fact. Ouch.

Someone said that having Biden and Harris as our President and Vice President is like having a pilot and co-pilot flying a commercial airliner. When neither the pilot or co-pilot know how to fly a plane. Meanwhile us passengers (taxpayers), are sitting in coach, wetting our pants. Why? With this flight crew, the chances of a successful landing are dubious. Our only chance of a successful landing with this flight crew, is if we can get better air traffic controllers (House and Senate) in 2022.

Why is Joe Biden accidental? He should have never been picked. Someone said Biden's family allowing Slo Joe to be put into this situation, is tantamount to elder abuse. And what Biden is doing to this country right now is taxpayer and citizen abuse.  

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