Thursday, May 27, 2021

When is over, going to be over?

"The question remains, when is over, going to be over? For most of us, the answer should be not soon enough. And yes, it is time for a mask burning party."    

Yikes! I am still seeing some people, walking down the street, with masks on. And why, one might ask? Beats the sugar out of me. Like everyone from the CDC down to the most uninformed person, will all tell you the same thing. Wearing a mask outside, does NO GOOD WHAT-SO-EVER.

This morning in the paper, there was a story about a family who, even though the mask mandate is over, insist on wearing masks in their own house. Huh? What in the world? How does that work? How does supper time work, if everyone is wearing a mask? How about night time? Do you sleep with a mask on? How about shower time? Plus, dare I ask this one? What if mom and dad want to get intimate at night?

I have addressed this many times before, as have countless others. A cloth mask does NOTHING to protect you from viruses. Some cloth masks are three layers thick and have a two level filter. Those are close to be protective, but try breathing through those things for an extended period of time. My wife and I tried them, and we both felt almost light headed from lack of O2.

My wife and I had a medical appointment at a new provider this week. Everyone in the provider's office had been vaccinated. My wife and I have been vaccinated. Still, we had to have our temp taken, hands cleaned with antiseptic, and a provider mask put on. Why? Who knows. About halfway through the appointment I started to think, "when is over, going to be over?" Yikes!

We have been doing this stork dance for over a year now. My friends who believe we can really help protect ourselves by taking proper supplements to keep our natural protections up, might be onto something. Why are kids almost immune to Covid? When we are young, our immunity is very strong. As we age, not so much. Taking supplements, help us maintain some of that natural  immunity. If we have learned nothing more from this past year, we should have learned at least that much. Natural immunity, can lead to herd immunity. 

The question remains, when is over, going to be over? For most of us, the answer should be not soon enough. And yes, it is time for a mask burning party.    

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