Monday, May 10, 2021

Spaced Out?

"So what are they then? Aliens? Intelligent life from another planet, another dimension, or another time? Whatever (or whomever) is behind these thousands of sightings we have had over the past 70 years, are unknown to most of us, but I believe fully known to parts of our government."

Did you hear the big space news last week? You mean the 10 story tall Chinese rocket which was going to fall to Earth (last) Sunday? Uh - no. But it the rocket did fall, and the odds were in our favor. What did not burn up in re-entry, landed harmlessly in the Indian Ocean. You must mean the news about Space X, launching another 60 satellites for Starlink? No - that is not big news either (happens all the time). Then what in the world (or, outside the world) could it be?

Our normally buttoned down, keep a deep secret, Defense Department has made a shocking announcement. A few different publications of merit, have recently disclosed that the Pentagon confessed it is in position of "alien material" and has been testing it. Some of this material includes the "memory metal" which goes back to the 1947 Roswell days. What? Wow!

It seems the FOIA process has finally struck gold. UFO/UAP researcher Anthony Bragalia has sent FOIA requests to the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) to find out just what is up with all these rumors. This has been tried before, many times, by many others. What is released (if anything), are sheets of almost totally redacted nothingness. This time however, the Pentagon opened up their kimono, and did an astonishing disclosure.

Some of us are saying it is about time. These intrusions of our airspace by "somethings" have been going on for way too long. In 1952, several UFOs hovered right over our nation's Capitol. Who did they belong to? Never found out. And then the Phoenix lights in 1997, when a mile side UFO silently slid across Arizona, including the city of Phoenix. And who did that belong to? Again, no clue. 

Senator Marco Rubio is very concerned, and wants some detailed answers. Not that he is worried that these UFO/UAP sightings might be "little green men", he is more concerned that Russia or China have come up with some break out technologies, and we have no answer for it. My take? It is indeed possible that these sightings could be from another country here on Earth. But highly unlikely. Our intelligence services would have had some clue on this over the years. Something like this would have been way too hard to keep covered up.

So what are they then? Aliens? Some intelligent life from another planet, another dimension, or another time? Whatever (or whomever) is behind these thousands of sightings we have had over the past 70 years are unknown to most of us, but I believe fully known to parts of our government.

First the "Tic Tac" Navy video was released, and now this FOIA response. Are we in the first stages of the long anticipated "disclosure"? Stay tuned on this one. Rumor has it there will more coming in June.   

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