Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Biden's Bravado

"Love him or hate him, you have to admit one thing about Putin. He is a leader. He is a strong leader. He is a man Trump wanted to deal with, not fight with. Trump saw opportunities in dealing with Putin. Opportunities without capitulation."

This is it. The week. The "showdown at the OK Corral". It is when our accidental President, Joe "I am going to take you out behind the gymnasium, and kick your ass" Biden, is going to "school" Vladimir Putin. So predicts CNN and MSNBC (as well as much as the print media). Joe is going to don his aviator glasses, and put on his Maverick persona. You know - Maverick from Top Gun.

How is this going to play out? First off, some context. Slo Joe will be the 5th US President that Biden has dealt with. Plus, once Pelosi and crew does an Amendment 25 on Biden, Harris will be the 6th President that Biden will deal with. But I am getting ahead of myself. Right now, Biden is in the batter's box. He will be the one to come face to face with this former KGB officer.

I almost feel sorry for Biden. Many, including myself, think that Putin will not have any respect for his elders. He will eat Biden's lunch. Even though the American MSM thinks Biden will "school" Putin, the opposite is much more likely to happen. Why? Putin studies America. Has since his KGB days. He knows what the pulse of America was under Trump - and he knows what the pulse is now. He knows more about the real America right now, than our foggy headed President does. He knows where all our warts and bruises are. If Biden tries to scold Putin on any aspect of Russia, it's expansionisms, or cyber mischief, Putin will fire back with all guns blazing.

Putin recently had a presser with a home town media source. He was asked about Trump and Biden. He really liked and respected Trump. He liked the fact Trump came out of nowhere (politically), and had guts. Russians have always respected power - and loathe weakness. Biden on the other hand (again according to Putin), is nothing more than a life long politician. And that is about all he could say about Biden. Reading between the lines? Putin thinks Biden is an empty suit - no more, no less.

The only smart thing Biden's handlers insisted on, was not having a joint presser once his meeting with Putin was over. Why? So Biden could "spin" what happened in the meeting. If Putin were there, he would correct Slo Joe, or worse, make Biden look confused. No, having a joint presser with one man in the early stages of dementia, and the other an experienced KGB officer, would have been a non-starter for the Biden legacy. 

Love him or hate him, you have to admit one thing about Putin. He is a leader. He is a strong leader. He is a man Trump wanted to deal with, not fight with. Trump saw opportunities in dealing with Putin. Opportunities without capitulation.

What does Biden see in Putin? A bully. A villain. Maybe even an ogre. That type of thinking is going to put us right back into a very cold war with Russia. Welcome to Obama, part 3. 


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