Thursday, June 17, 2021

With government, "stuff don't work right"!

"Get the picture? Because of the climate hoax, mixed in with a growing social entropy, we are soon going to be stuck. We will have traded a perfectly good transportation system, for a relic." 

I have not addressed this issue for a while. Covid - 19, and the resulting "shut down", took this issue right off the front page. I was going to call this issue the SWLRT mess, but it is bigger than that. It is about how we get around. And where we get around. And why we get around. In short, Thrive 2040, has been knocked off the trolley by the cold, hard, fist of reality.

On the news this morning, was yet another story about the boondoggle of the century, better know as the Southwest Light Rail Train (SWLRT). Another $21M needs to be spent, as the top notch engineers the state hired to manage this mess, missed how much contaminated soil needed to be removed. "Money, money everywhere", remains the mantra of the morons on the Met Council. And besides more money, the start date for services of the SWLRT has now been moved from sometime in 2023, to "who knows".

Here is the bottom line. Since the ink was drying on the initial project order for SWLRT, much has changed. Between the George Floyd riots and the pandemic, Minneapolis has gone from a bustling midwestern city, to a ghost town. Translation = nobody wants to work, visit, nor live there anymore. It is the wild, wild west, existing on a toxic waste dump. Or as some like to put it, "Minneapolis has turned into a hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside of a train wreck."

Now we have other LRT lines, as well as the North Star, which are either shuttered, or running at a fraction of their capacities. Each line in bleeding dollars. Plus, with the advent of autonomous cars, busses, and trucks, more and more mobility folks are going to opt for the flexibility of renting an autonomous ride, over the more static and inflexible train schedules. 

We will also see an uptick of EVs (both autonomous or self driving) in the near future. EVs, which have very few charging stations. Charging stations which rely on electricity. Electricity which relies on a strong grid, as well as a constant source of generation. With the government continuing to shut down coal plants, and with windmills not being ready yet for prime time, that makes driving or riding in an EV for a long period of time - risky. 

Get the picture? Because of the climate hoax, mixed in with a growing social entropy, we are soon going to be stuck. We will have traded a perfectly good transportation system, for a relic. A very expensive relic at that. My guess is this - if and when the SWLRT gets up and running, I will be surprised if it maxes out a 25% capacity . The more logical scenario, is the SWLRT  will go the way of the North Star - or the Dodo Bird.

What can the government do right these days? Usually, not much. But under this Administration, the "not much" is quickly changing to "nada". But who cares? We will just print more money, so on weekends, we can take the family to Eden Prairie to view SWLRT, better known as the train to nowhere. Should be quite a tourist attraction in a couple of years. 

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