Sunday, June 27, 2021

"Buildings don't just fall"

"Will this collapse in Miami affect the value of other beachfront condos? The insurance rates? The desire to own one? These are all questions which will play out sooner rather than later."

Wow! This building collapse in Miami was a real shock. A horrific shock. One of the things which has always made my skin crawl after a major earthquake, was buildings which fell during the quake and "pancaked". People in the buildings, being crushed under hundreds of tons of metal, concrete, or whatever. What that type of force can do to the human body is beyond imagination. When the twin towers fells, some poor people were crushed into dust. They were never recovered.

Someone on the news who is familiar with beach construction in Florida, was asked his theory on what happened. He shrugged his shoulders and said he did not as yet have one. But he did say this - "Buildings don't just fall". In other words, a building built in 1981, had certain building codes. Codes not just for that moment, but going out for years. In other words, these buildings were built to last.

Someone on social media said we should not yet be speculating about the cause. I agree. We should instead, be praying that the S+R teams find people buried, yet alive. That seems to happen more often than not, after a major earthquake. Sometimes days later, survivor(s) are found and pulled from the rubble. Let's hope that happens here also.

Whatever the cause which is determined at some point in time, things will change in Miami. Maybe all over the country. All along Florida's coast line (where permissible), you can see high rise buildings going up, and going up fast. Where my wife and I winter down in Pensacola, the once empty beach front by Pensacola Beach, is full of high rise buildings. Same with Orange Beach just across the border in Alabama. Will this collapse in Miami affect the value of other beachfront condos? The insurance rates? The desire to own one? These are all questions which will play out sooner rather than later.

This building collapse will be in the news cycle for quite a while. A team of experts has arrived from Israel to help the S+R teams. Why Israel? Besides being an ally of ours, this building had quite of few Israeli citizens staying there. That issue by itself, has some people's "spider senses" tingling. Like I said, too early to speculate, but there are some very interesting facts about this building.

"Buildings don't just fall". Amen to that. I will stay tuned on the news cycle to see if there is anything worth reporting in the next week or so. Hopefully, it will be the news of miracles. People found alive. Hopefully and prayerfully...      

1 comment:

  1. I've heard it was allegedly sinking--& there are previous photos of cracks in the affected parts.
