Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Representing our country

"The leftists and socialists have taken our proud way of life, to the edge of extinction. I mean, we are that close. This upcoming generation, could be our last. This great American Experiment, might be coming to an end. God help us all."

I have told this story before, but it has been awhile. The recent events in sports have stirred me to write about it again. One of the commands I was stationed at while in Washington, DC, had a mirror by the main entry. It was a full length mirror, the purpose of which was for sailors to "check themselves out" before leaving the command. Why? They were going out in public, and every sailor worth his or her salt, wanted to make sure they were "squared away". At the top of the mirror were some big bold letters which said "You are not in the Navy, you ARE the Navy".

As most of us have heard by now, one the "children" who was fortunate enough to make our Olympic squad, decided to make a "statement" on the award stand. This young woman, who has been raised in the lap of luxury (compared to the rest of the world), decided to embarrass her country. Instead of being like the sailors I served with, who knew how they looked and acted, not only reflected on themselves but also their country, this young woman bathed herself in a selfish stunt. All to bring discredit on the country which had allowed her to have this great honor and privilege.

"But what about her rights?", the hand wringers would say. My response - Poor baby. Tens of thousands of young women would give their eye teeth to trade places with her. When she puts on the uniform of the United States, be it the armed services or the United States Olympic team, she represents ALL OF US. Period. And guess what? As a citizen of the country she represents, what he did on the podium, IS NOT OKAY WITH ME!

In the Navy, if you discredit the uniform or your country, you will not be around very long. You will be sent home with a discharge you will not be proud of. That being said, this ungrateful young lady should be sent packing. She can keep her bronze medal, but she needs to be sent home immediately. Not only sent home, but never invited to be a part of our Olympic team - ever again. In other words, with that stunt on the podium, she blew it.

Some will read this and think it is too harsh. Maybe some will think this was not harsh enough. I am enough of a First Amendment guy, that if she decided to stand on a street corner and make the "X" with her arms, go for it. I don't care. She would be only representing herself when she did that. 

Since World War II, our country has lapsed. Big time. We have gone from the "Greatest Generation", to man buns, pajama boys, and selfish goofballs. We have allowed the inmates to run the asylum to such a degree, many young people don't know which bathroom to use, because they don't know what sex they are!

The leftists and socialists have taken our proud way of life, to the edge of extinction. I mean, we are that close. This upcoming generation, could be our last. This great American Experiment, might be coming to an end. God help us all.  

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