Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The infrastructure mess


"The folks who voted for Slo Joe have allowed Pandora's Box to be opened up, and the mess inside of it, to be visited on our great nation. It is long past the time to wake up people. The juggernaut is coming, and it will be expensive and ugly."   

Today is the day. The slightly over 1trillion dollar infrastructure bill, is done with "negotiations" in the Senate, and ready for final vote. This bill has been purported (by the Democrats), to be well worth waiting for. It is very important to our country, and our fight against "man-made global warming". Gag me with a magnet. It is with sadness that I report that 18 or so cowed Republicans, are also going to vote for this bill. Before Slo Joe can sign it however, the House needs to come back off their August recess. In September, that bill should become law.

What the what Bird! Don't you think this nation wants some much needed repairs? Even President Trump thought so, when he was President. Yes, I do. In fact, most Americans also think so. But as usual, this bill is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Sure there are some good things in this bill. But there are also some expensive, not needed things also. Like New Green Deal items. But there is more. And the "more" is the real train wreck. 

Somewhere north of a 3 trillion dollar bill is coming soon to the Senate. This is Socialism 101 tied up with one toxic ribbon and bow. What is it? Slo Joe is calling it "human infrastructure", whatever that is. In reality, it is the AOC New Green Deal. Not just a little bit of socialism, like what is the current 1 trillion dollar bill. This is the lollapalooza of socialism porkulus bills. 

"Oh, that will NEVER pass!" is the cry coming up from the masses. Why not? Even the Jeb Bush Republicans, who will vote for the $1T package will not vote for the porkulus bill coming down the road. But the crafty Democrats already know that. They will once again blow up Senate rules and pass this by reconciliation instead of the required 60 votes. The vote will be 50-50, with Commie Harris doing the tie breaker. Then Slo Joe will sign it, and we will have an historic mess on our hands.

For those who decided to vote for "hope and change" part 2, here comes your reward. Higher gas prices, higher home utility prices, higher food prices, and yes, even though he promised he would not do this to the middle class, higher taxes. What does all this mean? Even if we take back the House and Senate in 2022, and the White House in 2024, Humpty Dumpty might be too broken to put back together again. Just like when Obama got ObamaCare passed, Trump and a Republican Congress were unable to unscrew that mess in four years. 

Forward and onward? Not quite. With these two "infrastructure" bills, it will be backward and more backward. The folks who voted for Slo Joe have allowed Pandora's Box to be opened up, and the mess inside of it, to be visited on our great nation. It is long past the time to wake up people. The juggernaut is coming, and it will be expensive and ugly.   

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