Tuesday, August 31, 2021


"We had a lion in the White House, whose major crime was sending out mean tweets. Now we have a mouse in the White House, who does not even know what Twitter is."

At sometime after 3pm yesterday (Afghan time), the last C-17 took off from Hamid Karzai International Airport. The plane had the last of our troops on it, signifying the end of this 20 year war against the Taliban. This is a joyous time, right? Maybe for the Taliban. For China. Maybe even Russia. But not for us, who left with a whimper, instead of a bang. But the ones who are the least joyous, the most terrified, are the ones who have been left behind. They know what is coming. Forced subjugation.

Now that the Taliban are running the country of Afghanistan, what can we expect? They have told our new, gullible leaders, that the new Taliban, Taliban 2.0 some are calling them, are kinder and gentler than the original Taliban we ran into. Really? I don't think so. Besides the horrific murder of innocents, the Taliban are only good at one thing. Subjugation of a people. And the "left behinds", know that is exactly what is coming. In fact, if it is only subjugation, it might be a blessing. Beheading, disembowelment, dismemberment, and being burned alive, could also be on their menu.

Then on our side, we have lies, more lies, and damn lies. When Slo Joe was asked directly by George Stephanopoulos on an ABC interview, the President had a chance for an honest answer. "Will you leave before all Americans are out of Afghanistan?" That is when Biden looked right into the camera and said, "We will not leave until ALL of our people are out." A damn lie! 

Then yesterday, SOS Blinken also looked into the camera and said we have a few hundred Americans which are still in country. How do we square that circle? That is not what his boss said. Plus, it was another lie. If you count the entire country, and not just Kabul, the number may or may not be in the thousands, not just a few hundred.

The horror, the s**t show, the possible bloodbath which is about to take place in Afghanistan, will be hard to document. Why? Other than our spy satellites, we have no eyes over there right now. The internet, cell phones, no free press, no nothing. All of which might be made illegal by this band of 12th century savages, who now constitute the government of Afghanistan.

We had a lion in the White House, whose major crime was sending out mean tweets. Now we have a mouse who does not even know what Twitter is. Will help be on the way for the "left behinds"? Maybe after the 2022 election. Maybe. And those who are pulling for Biden getting an Amendment 25 release, remember what is in the wings. If you guessed the laughing Hyena, you win a prize.

As a vet, as an American, I can only say this to the "left behinds". I am sorry. I really am. You deserve better. You deserved to be rescued. Help is not on the way. You have been left behind. Welcome to Biden's America.   


  1. Actually, 25th amendment or impeachment, removal of the old fool from office would be a necessary and desirable thing. Once Kamala becomes President, she is no longer the tie-breaking vote in the Senate. She can appoint a new vice-president to fill that role, but she needs approval of the Senate to do it! Democrats will be STUCK. If Kamala steps aside without naming one, Nancy Pelosi becomes President and the Dems in the HOUSE go leaderless. In short, total gridlock is preferable to what we have now.
