Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The mouse (or rat) who roared

"No man left behind. No woman left behind. No friend left behind. I guess we need to have some new mottos for our fighting men and women. Under this President, it will be everyone for himself or herself, and if you get stuck behind enemy lines - it sucks being you." 

Just shy of twenty years ago, a group of Islamists performed a brazen attack on our homeland. It changed just about everything. It did not take long to figure out who was responsible. It was Al Qaeda, headed up by a guy name Osama Bin Laden. He was being hosted in a remote location in Afghanistan, by a group of 8th century blood thirsty thugs, named the Taliban.

Under the leadership of George W. Bush, we went into Afghanistan, made agreements with war lords in the Northern Alliance, and started to kick some butt. Due to our superior weapons and fighting ability, it did not take long to drive the Taliban back into Pakistan. So we thought.

We never really could rid ourselves of this scourge called the Taliban. They kept coming in from, and then retreating to, Pakistan. They hid out in caves in Afghanistan. Even though we helped the Afghan people set up their own government, and establish a viable army, the Taliban kept the war going. And going. For 20 years, and under four Presidents, they kept the war going. This was not like Desert Storm, where we could fight on an endless desert with all kinds of armor. This was tough, mountainous landscape, with many places to hide. 

The current President decided (as did Donald Trump), we need an end date to our involvement in this war. Turn it over to the Afghan Army, whom we thought were well trained and well equipped. Thus, even though somehow the Taliban seemed to be gaining in strength and retaking territory all over the country, Joe Biden pulled our troops out. Gave up our $1.5B embassy to the Taliban. Gave up Bagram Air Base to the Taliban. And due to the quick surrender of the Afghan Army, gave up billions of dollars worth of state of the art weapons to the Taliban. All of a sudden, this once defeated army, became the mouse (or rat) which roared. They are now large, and in charge. And us? We are trying to sneak away, tail between our legs.

Could we, if we wanted to, beat back the Taliban once again? In a New York minute. Will we? Not so long as Slo Joe is Commander-in-Chief. He is the great American chicken. The chicken with dementia. Our allies want us to stay in with a small force. The Afghans want us to stay in with a small force. There are 101 strategic reasons for us to do so. But there is one reason why we won't. Joe Biden. 

Many of the young women in Afghanistan have never lived under barbaric Sharia Law. They are in for a rude awakening. Once we leave, all the hell and fury of this 8th century blood lust will be on full display. Christians will be outed, and either burned alive, beheaded, or disemboweled. There is no punishment too harsh for the "people of the Cross". Immigrants who had SIV (Special Immigrant Visas) and did not make it out, will be hunted down, and killed. The families of SIV Afghans might suffer the same fate. When would all this carnage start? If we leave on August 31st, it could start on September 1st, with full scale blood letting by September 11, 2021. An anniversary present from the Taliban, just for us. 

This mouse (rat) which roared, is now telling the number one superpower in the world they need to leave by August 31st - or else. And Joe Biden is acting like a whipped pup, and obeying them. No back talk, no sass, no nothing. We have ceded the country of Afghanistan, to a group of thugs, straight out of a slasher movie. If this is not the darkest moment in our history, it is for sure one of them.

No man left behind. No woman left behind. No friend left behind. I guess we need to have some new mottos for our fighting men and women. Under this President, it will be everyone for himself or herself, and if you get stuck behind enemy lines - it sucks being you. 

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