Thursday, August 19, 2021

The government some voted for...

"As dark as the day was when Saigon fell, this week is even darker. Why? It was 100% avoidable. We will leave, and the real carnage will begin." 

Yesterday, the news cycle was once again in hyper-drive. We had the presser with Lloyd Austin and General Millie. Watching these two guys pontificate and equivocate, was somewhat beyond embarrassing. It was disgusting. This county has produced some excellent generals in the past. These two guys are not two of them. When it comes to mandating CRT to the troops and searching for white supremists, these two guy fit Biden's job description nicely. Buy when it comes to Afghanistan, they are like two guys trying out for the lead role in Sad Sack

Now that we have 4,500 troops on the ground in that very crowded airport, we still can't go into town and get our citizens to safety. Too dangerous. However - it was reported on the news this morning, the British troops which remained have been going into town and getting some of their folks to the airport. Then why can't we? Because we have pajama boys and girls calling the shots right now.

This is real time, and real war. We are up against a group of terrorists, many of whom look like they just crawled out of a cave. The United States could squash them like a bug. But we don't want to. Our President would rather focus on booster shots and face masks.

In the military, we are taught that "failure to plan, becomes planning to fail". If someone wanted to see Exhibit "A" to that axiom, look to Afghanistan. Instead of owning up to this debacle and figuring out how to "Dunkirk" the rescue, the folks in charge are instead playing "Whose on first?". The blame game would almost by funny, if not so sad. When Slo Joe said the buck stops on his desk, all I can say is this - Joe's desk must be awful slippery. Well, Joe is slippery - why not his desk also.

I think of the generals we had in World War II. In Desert Storm. Heck, I would love to have Jack Keane come out of retirement. Now there is a real general. It is said Abe Lincoln went through generals like "tissue paper", until he found Grant. He knew that to win this most important war, he needed the right general for the right time. Today, we have neither. 

America became great by doing great things. As Kennedy said when he launched the Moon initiative - "We will go to the Moon not because it is easy. We will go because it is hard." If Biden was President back then, we would have ceded the space race to the Russians. We would have traded going to the Moon, to castigating governors for not masking up youngins in school. SMH.

If I were President Xi of China right now, I would have a Cheshire grin on my face, stretching from from ear to ear. It is game over. Get the Americans out of the country, and the Chinese move in. Move in to exploit the trillion dollars or so of Rare Earths that lie under the soil in Afghanistan. 

As dark as the day was when Saigon fell, this week is even darker. Why? It was 100% avoidable. We will leave, and the real carnage will begin. Will the Chinese care about all the human rights violations the Taliban will visit upon the citizens? About as much as they care about the abuses they have visited upon the Uyghurs.

The CCP and the Taliban? No more than birds of a feather.


  1. Even the French Police, are going into Kabul and getting their people their people out. French Police!

  2. Somehow I don't think the Chicoms are guaranteed good relations with those Talibandits. They're not really fond of atheists.
