Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Broken, and now broke

"Of course, the working class folks, who need to drive to their jobs, are not joyful. They are wondering what the hey happened to our affordable energy. After all, the 'mean tweeter' was able to figure out how to get us affordable energy."

Broken. The only work I can think of, when it comes to Biden and our country. Our economy. Our energy. Somebody on media recently, said something interesting. It might have only been tongue in cheek, or it might had a kernel of truth in it. "If someone had tried to break the economy on purpose, that person could not have done a better job than Joe Biden has done." Ain't that the truth! Everything is now broken - including much of what worked well in the past.

It is right in front of Joe Biden. So close, he might trip over it. It would be easy peasy to be the hero of the day. To maybe cut down the bloodbath which is coming in the midterms. All he needs to do is utter three words, followed up by executive action. "Drill baby, drill." All of a sudden, things would change. How much so? Fox Business thinks it would immediately drop the cost of a barrel of crude oil by maybe 20%. With America back in the energy game, worldwide energy futures will start dropping like a rock.

So where does that leave us? Uncle Joe promised the "six pack" economy class there would be no pain with his "new" policies. He lied. His policies have taken us down the road to inflation, and maybe a recession. Without the pandemic and the Ukrainian war, his policies would be hurting the working class. Even though Pete Butt, Granholm, and the giggling Veep think that EVERYONE should buy a $60,000 electric car, that is sheer fantasy. Elon Musk, the most inventive electric car manufacturer in America, has recently said we need to drill for more oil. Duh!

The "greenies" who are the puppet masters for Biden, are happier than a pig in {never mind}. Every dime that gas goes up, they get more joyful. Of course, the working class folks, who need to drive to their jobs, are not joyful. They are wondering what the hey happened to our affordable energy. After all, the "mean tweeter" was able to figure out how to get us affordable energy. I guess electing a guy who has never worked a day in his life, and been a fixture in Washington for a half century, was not the cure. Biden broke it, and now we are all broke.

Not only did Biden break our energy, but our standing with the oil barons in the Middle East is so poor right now, they won't even take a phone call from our President. Wait - what? Why not? They would talk to the "mean tweeter". What gives? Joe is very transparent. Anyone with an IQ larger than a peapod, can see he is nothing but an empty suit. The Saudis want no part of this guy. In Texan speak, Joe is all hat and no cattle.

Some real truth telling as I close this out. I knew Biden would be a disaster. He always has been. But in my wildest dreams, I did not think he would be this bad. But he is. Everything good, he has broken. Here we sit, in a broken country, which is now becoming more and more broke. Thanks Joe - thanks for nothing.    

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