Tuesday, March 22, 2022


"Our only hope of not having a quick response in doing something regrettable, is Biden being so slow on the uptake, in everything he does. But even with that, we will be on a war footing. A nuclear war footing. Let that sink in for a minute."    

World War III. I think I have heard that term more during this past month, than I have heard in the past 50 years. Back when I was a child, when the Cold War was first really starting, World War III could bring a chill up and down my spine. We practiced for it in school, by doing the "duck and cover" under our desks. Our parents would tell us, if the sirens went off, and it was not a storm, to run down into the basement and take cover. From what? The dreaded mushroom cloud, which would either vaporize us, or poison us with its radiation. All compliments of the most evil Soviet Union.

Many are thinking what is happening in the Ukraine right now, is nothing more than a lit fuse. A lit fuse, to a bomb which will go off and change the world. Maybe destroy the world. Yesterday, Beck had an interesting guest on his show. She is a Russian who escaped from the Soviet Union, and became a defense analyst. For obvious reasons, she specialized in Russia. 

She said, "Make no mistake. This war in the Ukraine right now is really a proxy war between Russia and the west. Putin has been itching for a stand off with NATO for a long time." And then, the money shot - "This is the right time for Putin, because he knows America has weak leadership." Oh my! Not Joe! Weak? I guess old Vladimir knows Joe Biden quite well. Joe Biden is not only weak, but very slow on the draw also. Just what we need when we have a loose canon in the Kremlin.

Here is the most disturbing part of Beck's interview. Not only disturbing, but sobering. The Russian doctrine of battle this analyst said, is "escalate to de-escalate." She went on, "Even though we have parity in our nuclear stockpiles, Russia has about 10 times the tactical nukes that we have. The chances of him using one of those tactical nukes in this battle, are very good. Putin feels the impact of that bomb, would be to shock the west into submission. Then Russia would de-escalate before the war spread into an all out nuclear exchange."

To use a nuclear bomb, for the first time since World War II. Wow. Who would have believe this to be possible, even a few months ago. And where would Putin launch that tactical nuke? In Ukraine? In one of the Balkans? Poland? Where? 

Putin is toying with World War III right now. I do not know where NATO's "red line" in responding to a tactical nuke. Our only hope of not having a quick response and doing something regrettable, is Biden being so slow on the uptake - in everything he does. But even with that, we will be on a war footing. A nuclear war footing. Let that sink in for a minute.    

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