Friday, March 25, 2022

The Legacy of Russia's Biopreparat

"It is also thought by some of the military experts, that Russia might be close to a tipping point in Ukraine. Since the battle has bogged down now, and neither side is winning or losing, it might be time for a game changer."

Let's face it. If Russia was a used car salesman, we would not even by a trike from him. Why? Russia lies like a rug. Can't trust anything Russia says or does. How so? Like Russia and chemical weapons. Even though Russia (or as part of the Soviet Union), ratified many agreements banning bio or chemical weapons, somehow, enemies of the Russian state keep end up being dead, poisoned by a banned agent.

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union was truly the home of Dr. Evil. Besides scads of nukes, Russia also proudly made chemical and biological weapons. In fact, the mother of all chemical weapon factories in Russia, was called Biopreparat. During its heyday, it employed almost 70,000 people. That is about the size of St. Cloud MN. Anyhow, this massive factory was nothing more than a death camp. It came up with all kinds of nasty stuff, made to kill people in the most unpleasant ways.

Besides manufacturing a witch's brew of chemical poison during the Cold War, Russia also dabbled in bio. Anthrax was their germ of choice, but it is widely believed they also had resurrected the once eradicated Smallpox virus. As far as testing this nasty stuff, the Russians used one of their deserted islands. It was also thought, Anthrax and Smallpox could be weaponized to be delivered to the battlefield many different ways. Many different ways, included in an ICBM, headed for America. But today, who cares? Russia said they are out of the chemical and bio game, so we need to believe them, right? Ya, right.

Even the most naïve of us, knows that Russia has some of this crap left over from the Cold War. Well hidden. When your country spans 8 time zones, that leaves many places to hide stuff. But Russia is already hedging their bets, so they can use chemical weapons in Ukraine. How so? Russia has been to the UN Security Council, telling them it is the United States and Ukraine who will used chemical weapons - and then blame Russia. Classic false flag nonsense.

It is also thought by some of the military experts, that Russia might be close to a tipping point in Ukraine. Since the battle has bogged down now, and neither side is winning or losing, it might be time for a game changer. The table is set for Putin to use chemical, bio, dirty bomb, or even a tactical nuke.

With the loss of the Russian ship in a Ukrainian harbor the other day, Putin's timetable might have just moved up. If Russia does use a banned weapon, and the red line is crossed, stand by for rough seas ahead. Like maybe - real rough.   



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