Saturday, October 8, 2022

As the Yellow Dogs gather...

"...the majority of Yellow Dogs, would rather stick their arm into a grease fire, than pull the level for anyone on the red ticket."

I will say one thing for Minnesota. It might be the biggest Yellow Dog state in the union. Oh, trust me - I have lived here long enough to know that is an immutable fact. For those who can't remember what a Yellow Dog is, it is the old story that Democrats will vote even for a Yellow Dog over a Republican. Does not matter how paper thin a resume is (Obama), or how inept a candidate might be (Walz), or how medically unfit he or she is for the job (Biden and Fetterman), Democrats will vote for them anyhow. Why? Generational brainwashing.

This is going to be an interesting election for sure. Why? Can anybody else remember when the country was this screwed up? When we were so close to (as Biden put it this week), Armageddon? When inflation was at a 40 year high? When we had to go begging dictators for dirty oil, because for reasons which escape normal people, we will not drill for enough of our own? 

Can anyone remember when the Chinese and the Mexican cartels flooded the border with fentanyl disguised as Skittles? Where one of these fake candies can stop a child's heart? Can anyone remember when the crime rate is most of our big cities are breaking all time records? The list goes on and on, but the result will be the same. Yellow Dog Democrats will vote for the same morons who created this mess. But why would they not vote them out of office? Because the majority of Yellow Dogs, would rather stick their arm into a grease fire, than pull the level for anyone on the red ticket.

I will take a Blue Dog Democrat over a Yellow Dog Democrat any day of the week, and maybe twice on Sunday. Why? A Blue Dog is a centrist who is fiscally responsible. Joe Manchin has shown himself to be a Blue Dog on occasion. But then he folds under the pressure of the socialists, and votes party line. Blue Dogs are not perfect, but are an order of magnitude better than the morons who are Yellow Dogs. Can we get any Blue Dogs to vote with us in the 2022 midterms? I doubt it.

Walz let Minneapolis burn during the Floyd riots. He should have been impeached. In the olden days, he would have been put in irons, and dragged around this burnt out city. But the Yellow Dogs cheer Walz. They love this carpet bagger from Nebraska. But Walz knows the truth about himself. He is so ashamed of his own record, he will not debate Scott Jensen. But he could, and maybe should. He could really "step in it" during the debate. I would not matter. Minnesota Yellow Dogs would still vote for him anyhow. Heck, the Yellow Dogs voted for Walz four years ago, over Jeff Johnson. And as most of us know, Jeff is the most qualified person EVER to run for Governor in Minnesota.

Is there hope for Minnesota? Can we ever turn red again? I don't think that is possible. There are not enough dog catchers in the world to herd up all these Yellow Dog Democrats. No, we are stuck with them. And as such, we are stuck with bad government.       

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