Tuesday, October 11, 2022

The father of all False Flags?

"And Vladimir Putin, was a Soviet and a Russian. He was KGB. He is ruthless. And he is fully capable of setting up a False Flag event to serve his purposes." 

Our military experts have been pouring over the photos and eyewitness testimony concerning the bridge bombing. The shadow of a doubt, is starting to creep in. Like, the size of the bomb to take out this bridge, might have been (dare I say it), a bridge too far for the Ukrainians. Kind of like the bombing of the Nordic Stream pipeline(s). Too heavy of a lift for the Ukrainians. So - if the Ukrainians didn't bomb the pipeline nor the bridge, who did? 

Okay. A bit of truth telling here. Following the Soviet Union (and then Russia), was a vocation and an avocation of mine. And Vladimir Putin, was a Soviet and a Russian. He was KGB. He is ruthless. And he is fully capable of setting up a False Flag event to serve his purposes. How so? By blowing up the Nordic Stream pipelines, he can blame anyone and everyone else, and this winter, freeze out part of Europe (NATO). And Mr. "Loud Mouth/No Filter" President of ours, looks guilty as all get out. Why? He promised the press, if Russia invaded Ukraine, the pipeline would cease to exist. 

And the bridge. Putin's beloved bridge to Crimea. Everyone knows this was Putin's pet rock. So what a tempting target for Putin to destroy, and then blame Ukraine. Once the blame was squarely on Ukraine, that would "green light" Putin to rain hell down upon the civilians once again. And Putin would be justified, as this would have been revenge for the loss of his bridge.

Where do we go from here? Zelenskyy is pressuring NATO and the US to get more air cover - NOW! Since Russia cannot beat the Ukrainian Army, then Russia will go back to picking on old people and kids. In the eyes of Putin, a kill is a kill - uniform or not. 

We could up the ante by giving Ukraine bigger and better. Then what? Putin might say that was just the escalation he needed to bring NATO into the fray. That might be the match which starts the fire, which cannot be put out. With Putin's finger just itching to try out his Satan II missiles, nuclear war could be at our door step.



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