Saturday, October 1, 2022

The making of a tyrant (or tyrants)

"Tyrants. The world is full of them right now. We have them in our government. In our state. The world has had tyrants for years. You think we would have learned by now. But we have not. Hang on to something - the right is going to real bumpy, and help - is NOT on the way."   

On YouTube, one of the channels I listen or watch as of late, is run by a couple of young Canadians. They always refer to Vladimir Putin as the "world's biggest asshole". Not something which you would hear on the MSM, but appropriate for sure. But putting the common man's vernacular aside, Putin is the world's newest and biggest tyrant. I know, I know - Putin has been a tyrant for some time now. But he has really "kicked it up a notch" as of late. Now he wants to be today's version of Dr. Strangelove

Okay. Here is my deep thinking from this past week. BTW - if not for Hurricane Ian, there would be a boatload of news about Russia which would be absorbing most of our news cycle. But Ian has trumped all of that. Anyhow, back to my deep thinking. Most tyrants, maybe all, start out the same way. If not Putin, or Xi, or Kim Jong-un, it could be Obama, Biden, or Walz. What is starting out the same way? Thinking the people work for you, rather than you working for the people. That is how it starts. Sounds innocuous, but it really is huge. Then it grows from there. It grows until you have a megalomaniac like Putin. In his mind, he owns the world. He controls the world. And he can end the world. 

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely". I don't care if you are talking about Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Obama, Biden or Walz. All have been drinking their own bathwater. They are, to varying degrees, tyrants. Kings. Royalty. They ignore the will of the people who are under their rule. In Russia, Putin has gone as far as to sacrifice another 300,000 young men, to the blistering artillery and sniper attacks from the Ukrainians. What is the result of that latest conscription? People are fleeing Russia as fast as they can. The ones who are left, are on the verge of civil war. 

Even in the United States, we have a President who is ignoring the Constitution. Article One of the Constitution means nothing to Joe Biden. Just like it meant nothing to Barack Obama. As Obama said (to paraphrase), "I can rule with a phone and a pen". And he did. It was horrible, just like life under Biden is horrible. Not as bad as Russia, but like I said, it is only a matter of degrees which separate one tyrant from another.

Truthfully, as unhinged as Putin is, and as inept as Biden is, I am amazed (and grateful) we made it to October. I will say again - if not for Hurricane Ian, and how devastating it was (is), The Nordstrom Pipeline sabotage, the annexation of eastern Ukraine, the exodus of Russians from their homeland - would be front and center in international news.

For domestic news? The student loan forgiveness executive action, and how much of a deficit killer that one stupid idea is. How not having more energy is hurting us, economically, and maybe with brown outs and black outs this winter. How electric cars are an idea whose time has not yet come. Don't believe me? Just ask Ford and Toyota. We have more problems and issues than you can shake a stick at, but first we have to be concerned about Putin blowing up the world. 

Tyrants. The world is full of them right now. We have them in our government. In our state. The world has had tyrants for years. You think we would have learned by now. But we have not. Hang on to something - the ride is about to get very bumpy. And help - is NOT on the way.   


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