Monday, October 24, 2022

What if they gave a debate and nobody showed?

"I would love it if the Republicans could gain both houses, but I would be satisfied if they just took the House. That would be enough to stop much of the madness."

Yawn. Glad there was a football game on last night. I watched a bit of the debate between Kim Crockett and Steve (Simon says) Simon. Kim did a good job as usual, and Simon continued his George Soros spiel on how strong our elections are in MN. Really, Steve? Most of the clear thinkers believe we have weak election processes. Like, chain of custody, and mail in ballots for example.

But the debate everyone was waiting for, making popcorn and getting comfortable for, was the gubernatorial debate. Dr. Scott Jensen against our own "Rocks and Cows" Walz. Dr. Jensen showed up wearing his "A Game". "Rocks and Cows" showed up wearing his invisible suit. What? Explain please! Seems our sitting Governor decided to sit this one out. He was a no show. All you people who believe in this carpet bagger from Nebraska, there he wasn't.

By the way, it is not just Timmy Walz who is playing duck and cover this election season. It is happening all over the country. All by Democrats. They are choosing not to debate. Why not? No answers. They want to talk about abortion, January 6th and climate. Republicans on the other hand, want to talk about "kitchen table" issues. Issues like gas prices, inflation, food, energy, crime, education, national security, border security, and so forth. 

What is the best solution for Democrats to answer all these vexing questions about "kitchen table" issues? Duck and cover. Hide. Don't show up. Not even a consummate liar like Biden could spin a believable yarn that the people would swallow. Wait - I have heard for years that Republicans are no more than "knuckle draggers", whereas the Democrats are much more cerebral than the rest of us. In fact, not that long ago, Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, said the reason Democrats have such difficulty getting their message across, is they are so much smarter than the rest of us dolts. We just can't understand all that higher level thinking. 

A bit over two weeks now until the election. Now that the MN debates are over, what will be the big show this week? The first and only debate between Dr. Oz, and the very strange Fetterman. Fetterman will show up (hopefully), teleprompter in tow, and the debate will go on. If Dr. Oz sticks to the issues, and does NOT bring up Fetterman's stroke, it should be an easy night for the doc. However, the debate might be the docs to lose if Oz talks about Fetterman's health issues too much.

Right now it looks like the Republicans will pick up enough seats in the US House to have a 30 seat majority. The US Senate is still a jump ball. I would love it if the Republicans could gain both houses, but I would be satisfied if they just took the House. That would be enough to stop much of the madness. In any event, stay tuned. November will be an interesting month.    


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